Folke Holmér/ Erik Lindegren/ Egon Östlund: Halmstadgruppen. Waldemar Lorentzon, Axel Olson, Erik Olson, Esaias Thorén, Sven Jonson, Stellan Mörner.

Folke Holmér/ Erik Lindegren/ Egon Östlund: Halmstadgruppen. Waldemar Lorentzon, Axel Olson, Erik Olson, Esaias Thorén, Sven Jonson, Stellan Mörner. Stockholm, Rabén & Sjögren, 1947. 27.5x20.5 cm. 206 pp. + unpaginated pp. with 167 b/w illustr. and 12 colour plates. B/w text illustr. Orig. cloth with dust jacket. Swedish text. D/j damaged.                    





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