1. Art. History, reference, theory
1. Kathleen Adler: Unknown Impressionists.
2. Sarane Alexandrian: Surrealist Art.
3. H. H. Arnason: History of Modern Art. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Photography.
4. James Ayres: The Artist's Craft. A History of Tools, Techniques and Materials.
5. Kenneth Baker: Minimalism.
6. Oskar Bätschmann: Entfernung der Natur. Landschaftsmalerei 1750-1920.
7. Willy Baumeister: Das Unbekannte in der Kunst.
8. Fritz Baumgart: Geschichte der abendländischen Malerei von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.
9. Germain Bazin: A Concise History of Art.
10. Germain Bazin: Baroque and Rococo.
11. Wendy Beckett: Contemporary Women Artists.
12. Ernst Benkard: Das Selbstbildnis vom 15. bis zum Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts.
13. Ingvar Bergström: Den symboliska nejlikan i senmedeltidens och renässansens konst.
14. Marina Bessonova (introd.): Impressionist and Post-Impressionist Paintings in Soviet Museums.
15. Alan Bowness: Modern European Art.
16. Richard Brettell a. o.: A Day in the Country. Impressionism and the French Landscape.
17. Attilio Brilli: Reisen in Italien. Die Kulturgeschichte der klassischen Italienreise vom 16. bis 19. Jahrhundert.
18. David Britt (ed.): Modern Art. Impressionism to Post-Modernism.
19. Caroline Cass/ Tom Leighton (photography): Grand Illusions. Contemporary Interior Murals.
20. Riva Castleman (ed.)/ Guy Davenport (essay): Art of the Forties.
21. Whitney Chadwick: Women Artists and the Surrealist Movement.
22. Whitney Chadwick: Women, Art and Society.
23. Henry Chalfant/ James Prigoff: Spraycan Art.
24. J. C. Cooper: An Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Traditional Symbols.
25. Pierre Courthion: Impressionism. The Movement, the Masters, the Precursors and the Followers.
26. Robert L. Delevoy: Symbolists and Symbolism.
27. Bernard Denvir: The Thames and Hudson Encyclopaedia of Impressionism.
28. Muriel Emanuel a. o. (eds.): Contemporary Artists.
29. Edmund Burke Feldman: Varieties of Visual Experience.
30. Christopher Finch: Twentieth-Century Watercolors.
31. Kai Flor: Store Malere og deres Modeller.
32. Edward F. Fry: Cubism.
33. William Gaunt: The Impressionists.
34. Werner Gillon: A Short History of African Art.
35. Tony Godfrey: Drawing Today. Draughtsmen in the Eighties.
36. Tony Godfrey: The New Image. Painting in the 1980s.
37. Siegfried Gohr/ Johannes Gachnang (eds.): Bilderstreit. Widerspruch, Einheit und Fragment in der Kunst seit 1960.
38. E. H. Gombrich: The Story of Art.
39. E. H. Gombrich: The Story of Art.
40. E. H. Gombrich: The Story of Art.
41. E. H. Gombrich: Norm and Form. Studies in the Art of the Renaissance I.
42. E. H. Gombrich: Symbolic Images. Studies in the Art of the Renaissance II.
43. E. H. Gombrich: New Light on Old Masters. Studies in the Art of the Renaissance IV.
44. E. H. Gombrich: The Image and the Eye. Further studies in the psychology of pictorial representation.
45. E. H. Gombrich: Art and Illusion. A study in the psychology of pictorial representation.
46. E. H. Gombrich: Art and Illusion. A study in the psychology of pictorial representation.
47. E. H. Gombrich: The Sense of Order. A study in the psychology of decorative art.
48. E. H. Gombrich: The Sense of Order. A study in the psychology of decorative art.
49. E. H. Gombrich: Tributes. Interpreters of our cultural tradition.
50. E. H. Gombrich: Ideals and Idols. Essays on values in history and in art.
51. E. H. Gombrich: Meditations on a Hobby Horse, and other essays on the theory of art.
52. Cynthia Goodman: Digital Visions. Computers and Art.
53. Lawrence Grow: Architectural Painting.
54. Richard Hamann: Geschichte der Kunst. 2 vols.
55. George Heard Hamilton: Painting and Sculpture in Europe 1880-1940.
56. Frederick Hartt: Art. A History of Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
57. Egbert Haverkamp-Begemann: Creative Copies. Interpretative Drawings from Michelangelo to Picasso.
58. Ian Hebblewhite: Artistsʼ Materials.
59. Nancy G. Heller: Women Artists. An Illustrated History.
60. V. M. Hillyer/ E. G. Huey/ M. G. Huisman: Lilla konsthistorien.
61. Hugh Honour: Romanticism.
62. Hugh Honour: Neo-Classicism.
63. Pontus Hultén (ed.): Futurism and Futurisms.
64. Sam Hunter/ John Jacobus: Modern Art. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
65. Michael Jacobs: The Good and Simple Life. Artist Colonies in Europe and America.
66. H. W. Janson: History of Art.
67. H. W. Janson: History of Art. A Survey of the Major Visual Arts from the Dawn of History to the Present Day.
68. Ekkehard Kaemmerling (ed.): Ikonographie und Ikonologie. Bildende Kunst als Zeichnensystem.
69. Raymond Keaveney: Views of Rome. From the Thomas Ashby Collection in the Vatican Library.
70. Diane Kelder: The Great Book of Post-Impressionism.
71. Harald Küppers: Harmonielehre der Farben. Theoretische Grundlagen der Farbgestaltung.
72. Harald Küppers: DuMontʼs Farben-Atlas. Über 5500 Farbnuancen mit Kennzeichnung und Mischanleitung.
73. Jean-Clarence Lambert: Cobra.
74. Klaus Lankheit: Revolution und Restauration 1785-1855.
75. Michael Levey: From Giotto to Cézanne. A Concise History of Painting.
76. Michael Levey: Rococo to Revolution. Major Trends in Eighteenth-Century Painting.
77. Jean Leymarie: Watercolors. From Dürer to Balthus.
78. Jean Leymarie: Fauves and Fauvism.
79. Jean Leymarie (introd.)/ Geneviève Monnier/ Bernice Rose: Drawing. History of an Art.
80. Alexander Liberman: The Artist in his Studio.
81. Lucy R. Lippard: Pop Art.
82. Marco Livingstone: Pop Art. A Continuing History.
83. Ide Løppenthin: Kunst og Stil. Introduktion til europæisk kunsthistorie.
84. Sven Lövgren/ Carlton Lake/ Robert Maillard (eds.): Rabén & Sjögrens lexikon över modern konst.
85. Edward Lucie-Smith: Movements in Art Since 1945.
86. Edward Lucie-Smith: Art in the Eighties.
87. Edward Lucie-Smith: Art of the 1930s. The Age of Anxiety.
88. Edward Lucie-Smith: Symbolist Art.
89. Edward Lucie-Smith: Art Deco Painting.
90. Edward Lucie-Smih: Art in the Seventies.
91. Edward Lucie-Smith: Art Today. From Abstract Expressionism to Superrealism.
92. Edward Lucie-Smith: The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art Terms.
93. Edward Lucie-Smith: The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art Terms.
94. Norbert Lynton: The Story of Modern Art.
95. Norbert Lynton: The Story of Modern Art.
96. Norbert Lynton: The Story of Modern Art.
97. Ken McCormick/ Hamilton Darby Perry (eds.): Images of War. The Artistʼs Vision of World War II.
98. Kenneth McLeish: The Penguin Companion to the Arts in the Twentieth Century.
99. Melissa McQuillan: Impressionist Portraits.
100. Kynaston McShine: An International Survey of Recent Painting and Sculpture.
101. Andrew Martindale: Gothic Art.
102. Miriam Milman: Trompe lʼOeil Painting. The illusions of reality.
103. Geneviève Monnier: Pastels. From the 16th to the 20th Century.
104. Anna Moszynska: Abstract Art.
105. Linda Murray: The High Renaissance and Mannerism. Italy, the North and Spain 1500-1600.
106. Peter Murray/ Linda Murray: The Penguin Dictionary of Art and Artists.
107. Peter Murray/ Linda Murray: The Art of the Renaissance.
108. Geraldine Norman: Biedermeier Painting, 1815-1848. Reality Observed in Genre, Portrait and Landscape.
109. Geraldine Norman: Nineteenth Century Painters and Painting. A Dictionary.
110. Gert von der Osten/ Horst Vey: Painting and Sculpture in Germany and the Netherlands 1500-1600.
111. Alexandre Papadopoulo: Islam and Muslim Art.
112. Phaidon Cultural Guide. Greece.
113. Gaëtan Picon: Surrealists and Surrealism.
114. Götz Pochat: Geschichte der Ästhetik und Kunsttheorie. Von der Antike bis zum 19. Jahrhundert.
115. Phoebe Pool: Impressionism.
116. Gerd Presler: LʼArt brut. Kunst zwischen Genialität und Wahnsinn.
117. Herbert Read (ed.): The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists.
118. Herbert Read (ed.): The Thames and Hudson Dictionary of Art and Artists.
119. Herbert Read: Modern Painting. A Concise History.
120. John Rewald: Studies in Impressionism.
121. John Rewald: Studies in Post-Impressionism.
122. John Rewald: Post-Impressionism. From van Gogh to Gauguin.
123. John Rewald: The History of Impressionism.
124. John Rewald: The History of Impressionism.
125. Graham Reynolds: Watercolours. A Concise History.
126. Hans Richter: Dada. Art and Anti-Art.
127. Hans Richter: Dada. Kunst und Antikunst. Der Beitrag Dadas zur Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts.
128. Horst Richter: Malerei der sechziger Jahre.
129. Robert Rosenblum: Cubism and Twentieth-Century Art.
130. Robert Rosenblum/ H. W. Janson: 19th-Century Art.
131. Robert Rosenblum: Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition. Friedrich to Rothko.
132. Robert Rosenblum: The Dog in Art from Rococo to Post-Modernism.
133. William Rubin: Picasso and Braque. Pioneering Cubism.
134. William Rubin (ed.): Picasso and Braque. A Symposium.
135. William Rubin (ed.): “Primitivism” in 20th Century Art. Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern.
136. John Russell: The Meanings of Modern Art.
137. Peter Selz: Art in Our Times. A Pictorial History 1890-1980.
138. John Shearman: Mannerism.
139. Robin Simon: The Portrait in Britain and America. With a biographical dictionary of portrait painters 1680-1914.
140. James Snyder: Northern Renaissance Art. Painting, Sculpture, the Graphic Arts from 1350 to 1575.
141. Nikos Stangos (ed.): Concepts of Modern Art.
142. Karin Thomas: Bis heute. Stilgeschichte der bildenden Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert.
143. Jack Tresidder (ed.): The Complete Dictionary of Symbols.
144. Maurice Tuchman a. o.: The Spiritual in Art. Abstract Painting 1890-1985.
145. Gerhard Ulrich: Kleine Geschichte der Malerei.
146. Kirk Varnedoe/ Adam Gopnik: High and Low. Modern Art and Popular Culture.
147. William Vaughan: Romantic Art.
148. VERVE. Michel Anthonioz: Verve. The Ultimate Review of Art and Literature (1937-1960).
149. Paul Vogt: Contemporary Painting.
150. John Walker: Portraits. 5000 Years.
151. Martin Warnke: Hof-Künstler. Zur Vorgeschichte des modernen Künstlers.
152. Hans Weigert (ed.): Kleine Kunstgeschichte Europas. Mittelalter und Neuzeit.
153. Gabriel P. Weisberg: Beyond Impressionism. The Natural Impuls in European Art 1860-1905.
154. Marit Werenskiold: The Concept of Expressionism. Origin and Metamorphoses.
155. Daniel Wheeler: Art Since Mid-Century. 1945 to the Present.
156. Frank Whitford: Expressionist Portraits.
157. Frank Whitford: Understanding Abstract Art.
158. Siegfried Wichmann: Japonisme. The Japanese Influence on Western Art since 1858.
159. Frank Willett: African Art.
160. Rudolf Wittkower: Allegory and the Migration of Symbols.
161. Richard Wollheim: Art and its Objects.
162. Richard Wollheim: Painting as an Art.
163. Gerald Woods a. o.: Art Without Boundaries 1950-70.
2. Prints, photography
1. Stuart Bennett: How to Buy Photographs.
2. C. D. B. Bryan: The National Geographic Society. 100 Years of Adventure and Discovery.
3. Riva Castleman: Prints of the Twentieth Century. A History.
4. E. Keble Chatterton: Old Ship Prints.
5. Walter Dohmen: Die Lithographie. Geschichte, Kunst, Technik.
6. Walter Dohmen: Die Tiefdruck. Vom Kupferstich bis zum Fotoradierung. Geschichte, Kunst, Technik.
7. Fritz Eichenberg: The Art of the Print. Masterpieces, History, Techniques.
8. Giuliano Ercoli: Art Deco Prints.
9. Bamber Gascoigne: How to Identify Prints. A complete guide to manual and mechanical processes from woodcut to ink-jet.
10. Helmut Gernsheim/ Alison Gernsheim: Fotografiens historie.
11. Wolfgang Hainke: Siebdruck. Technik, Praxis, Geschichte.
12. Jurgen v. Konow: Om grafik. Historia och teknik.
13. Colin Naylor (ed.): Contemporary Photographers.
14. Naomi Rosenblum: A World History of Photography.
15. Robert A. Sobieszek: The Art of Persuation. A History of Advertising Photography.
16. Carol Wax: The Mezzotint. History and Technique.
3. Sculpture
1. Dorothea Braby: The Way of Wood Engraving.
2. Bernard Ceysson a. o.: Sculpture. The great tradition of sculpture from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century.
3. Michael Forrest: Art Bronzes.
4. A. M. Hammacher: Modern Sculpture. Tradition and Innovation.
5. H. W. Janson: 19th-Century Sculpture.
6. Peter Lasko a. o.: Ivory. A History and Collectorʼs Guide.
7. Manfred Leithe-Jasper: Renaissance Master Bronzes. From the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.
8. Edward Lucie-Smith: Sculpture since 1945.
9. Dona Z. Meilach: Contemporary Art with Wood. Creative techniques and appreciation.
10. Theodor Müller: Sculpture in the Netherlands, Germany, France and Spain 1400-1500.
11. Anthony Radcliffe: European Bronze Statuettes.
12. Herbert Read: Modern Sculpture. A Concise History.
13. Rudolf Wittkower: Sculpture.
4. Early art and architecture, archaeology
1. Cyril Aldred: Egyptian Art. In the Days of the Pharaohs 3100-320 BC.
2. Oscar Almgren: Nordische Felszeichnungen als religiöse Urkunden.
3. Pierre Amiet: Art of the Ancient Near East.
4. Bernard Andreae: The Art of Rome.
5. Ferdinand Anton: Art of the Maya.
6. John Beckwith: Early Christian and Byzantine Art.
7. John Beckwith: Early Christian and Byzantine Art.
8. John Beckwith: Early Medieval Art. Carolingian, Ottonian, Romanesque.
9. John Boardman: Athenian Black Figure Vases.
10. John Boardman: Athenian Red Figure Vases.The Archaic Period.
11. John Boardman: Greek Sculpture. The Archaic Period.
12. John Boardman: Greek Sculpture. The Classical Period.
13. Axel Boëthius: Etruscan and Early Roman Architecture.
14. Otto J. Brendel: Etruscan Art.
15. A. C. Carpiceci: Pompeii 2000 Years Ago.
16. George Coffey: The Bronze Age in Ireland.
17. Kenneth John Conant: Carolingian and Romanesque Architecture 800-1200.
18. R. M. Cook: Greek Art. Its Development, Character and Influence.
19. C. R. Dodwell: Painting in Europe 800-1200.
20. Richard Ettinghausen/ Oleg Grabar: The Art and Architecture of Islam 650-1250.
21. José Alcina Franch: Pre-Columbian Art.
22. Henri Frankfort: The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient.
23. Åke Fredsjö/ Sverker Janson/ Carl-Axel Moberg: Hällristningar i Sverige.
24. Sigurd Grieg: Vikingetiden i Norge.
25. Enrico Guidoni: Primitive Architecture.
26. Victor W. von Hagen: The Roads that Led to Rome.
27. Roland Hampe/ Erika Simon: The Birth of Greek Art. From the Mycenaean to the Archaic Period.
28. Reynold Higgins: Minoan and Mycenaean Art.
29. René Huyghe a. o.: Larousse Encyclopedia of Byzantine and Medieval Art.
30. Hans Kayser: Kleine Geschichte der Archäologie.
31. Ernst Kjellberg/ Gösta Säflund: Grekisk och romersk konst.
32. Richard Krautheimer: Early Christian and Byzantine Architecture.
33. George Kubler: The Art and Achitecture of Ancient America.
34. George Kubler: The Art and Architecture of Ancient America.
35. Peter Lasko: Ars Sacra 800-1200.
36. A. W. Lawrence: Greek Architecture.
37. A. W. Lawrence : Greek Architecture.
38. Sherman E. Lee: A History of Far Eastern Art.
39. Seton Lloyd/ Hans Wolfgang Müller: Ancient Architecture.
40. Amedeo Maiuri: Pompeii.
41. Cyril Mango: Byzantine Architecture.
42. David Meilsheim: The World of Ancient Israel.
43. Kazimierz Michalowski: Art of Ancient Egypt.
44. Mary Ellen Miller: The Art of Mesoamerica. From Olmec to Aztec.
45. William J. Murnane: The Penguin Guide to Ancient Egypt.
46. Gustaf Näsström: Forna dagars Sverige. Kulturhistorisk bilderbok om hedenhös och medeltid.
47. Åke Ohlmarks: Hällristningarnas gudar. En sammanställning och ett förklaringsförsök.
48. David Talbot Rice: Art of the Byzantine Era.
49. David Talbot Rice: Islamic Art.
50. Gisela Richter: A Handbook of Greek Art.
51. Claude Rolley: Greek Bronzes.
52. Johan Rönnby/ Jonathan Adams: Östersjöns sjunkna skepp.
53. N. K. Sandars: Prehistoric Art in Europe.
54. Karl Schefold: Griechische Kunst als religiöses Phänomen.
55. H. H. Scullard/ A. A. M. van der Heyden: Shorter Atlas of the Classical World.
56. Maja Sprenger/ Gilda Bartoloni: The Etruscans.
57. W. Stevenson Smith: The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt.
58. W. Stevenson Smith: The Art and Achitecture of Ancient Egypt.
59. Donald Strong: Roman Art.
60. Donald Strong: Roman Art.
61. Bengt Thordeman (ed.): Vaaben.
62. J. B. Ward-Perkins: Roman Imperial Architecture.
63. Hans Weigert (ed.): Kleine Kunstgeschichte der Vorzeit und der Naturvölker.
64. Willy Zschietzschmann: Kleine Kunstgeschichte der Griechen und Römer.
5. American art
1. Milton W. Brown a. o.: American Art. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Decorative Arts, Photography.
2. William H. Gerdts: American Impressionism.
3. Sam Hunter/ John Jacobus: American Art of the 20th Century. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
4. Samuel Isham: The History of American Painting.
5. Edward Lucie-Smith: American Art Now.
6. Ron Tyler a. o.: American Frontier Life. Early Western Painting and Prints.
7. John Wilmerding: American Marine Painting.
6. British and Irish art
1. Bruce Arnold: A Concise History of Irish Art.
2. David Bindman (ed.): The Thames and Hudson Encyclopaedia of British Art.
3. Susan Compton (ed.): British Art in the 20th Century. The Modern Movement.
4. John Fairley: Great Racehorses in Art.
5. Christopher Frayling: The Royal College of Art. 150 Years of Art and Design.
6. William Gaunt: English Painting. A Concise History.
7. Rupert Gunnis: Dictionary of British Sculptors 1660-1851.
8. John Harris: The Artist and the Country House. A history of country house and garden view painting in Britain 1540-1870.
9. Paul Harris/ Julian Halsby: The Dictionary of Scottish Painters 1600-1960.
10. Andrew Hemingway: The Norwich School of Painters 1803-1833.
11. Alistair Hicks: The School of London. The Resurgence of Contemporary Painting.
12. Timothy Hilton: The Pre-Raphaelites.
13. Paul Huxley (ed.): Exhibition Road. Painters at the Royal College of Art.
14. Peter Kemp/ Richard Ormond: The Great Age of Sail. Maritime Art and Photography.
15. Edward Lucie-Smith/ Carolyn Cohen/ Judith Higgins: The New British Painting.
16. Kenneth McConkey: British Impressionism.
17. Duncan Macmillan: Painting in Scotland. The Golden Age.
18. Christopher Newall: Victorian Watercolours.
19. Phaidon Cultural Guide. Great Britain and Ireland.
20. Roger Quarm/ Scott Wilcox: Masters of the Sea. British Marine Watercolours.
21. Michael Rosenthal: British Landscape Painting.
22. Francis Spalding: British Art Since 1900.
23. Lawrence Stone: Sculpture in Britain. The Middle Ages.
24. Elis Waterhouse: Painting in Britain 1530 to 1790.
25. Elis Waterhouse: Painting in Britain 1530 to 1790.
26. F. L. Wilder: English Sporting Prints.
7. Chinese art
8. Dutch and Flemish/Belgian art
Mildred Friedman (ed.): De Stijl 1917-1931. Visions of Utopia.
R. H. Fuchs: Dutch Painting.
Bob Haak: The Golden Age. Dutch Painters of the Seventeenth Century.
Ellen Marie Magerøy: Hollandsk interiørmaleri i det 17. århundre.
Nikolai Nikulin: Netherlandish Paintings in Soviet Museums.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Holland.
9. French art
Per Bjurström: The Art of Drawing in France 1400-1900.
Anthony Blunt: Art and Architecture in France 1500-1700.
Anthony Blunt: Art and Architecture in France 1500-1700.
Albert Boime: The Academy and French Painting in the Nineteenth Century.
Caroline Boyll-Turner: The Prints of the Pont- Avon School. Gauguin and his circle in Brittany.
T. J. Clark: The Painting of Modern Life. Paris in the Art of Manet and his Followers.
Philip Conisbee: Painting in Eighteenth-Century France.
Claire Frèches-Thory/ Antoine Terrasse: The Nabis. Bonnard, Vuillard and their Circle.
Agnès de Gouvion Saint-Cyr a. o.: 20th-Century French Photography.
Christopher Green: Cubism and its Enemies. Modern Movements and Reaction in French Art 1916-1928.
Elisabeth Hardouin-Fugier/ Etienne Grafe: French Flower Painters of the 19th Century. A Dictionary.
Robert L. Herbert: Impressionism. Art, Leisure, and the Parisian Society.
Billy Klüver/ Julie Martin: Kikiʼs Paris. Artists and Lovers 1900-1930.
John Milner: The Studios of Paris. The Capital of Art in the Late Nineteenth Century.
Charles S. Moffett: The New Painting. Impressionism 1874-1886.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. France.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. The Loire Valley.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Provence and the Côte dʼAzur.
Denis Rouart: The Unknown Degas and Renoir. In the National Museum of Belgrade.
Kenneth E. Silver: Esprit de Corps. The Art of the Parisian Avant-Garde and the First World War, 1914-1925.
Marie Luise Syring: Kunst in Frankreich seit 1966.
10. German, Austrian and Swiss art
Peter Adam: The Arts of the Third Reich.
Klaus Backes: Hitler und die bildenden Künste. Kulturverständnis und Kunstpolitik im Dritten Reich.
Gerhard Bott a. o. (eds.): Gothic and Renaissance Art in Nuremberg 1300-1550.
Guido Boulboullé/ Michael Zeiss (eds.): Worpswede. Kulturgeschichte eines Künstlerdorfes.
Georg Brühl: Herwarth Walden und "Der Sturm".
Rainer Budde: Köln und seine Maler 1300-1500.
Wolf-Dieter Dube: The Expressionists.
Jens Christian Jensen: Malerei der Romantik in Deutschland.
Jens Christian Jensen: Aquarelle und Zeichnungen der deutschen Romantik.
Christos M. Joachimides/ Norman Rosenthal/ Wieland Schmied (eds.): German Art in the 20th Century. Painting and Sculpture 1905-1985.
Eckart Klessmann: Die deutsche Romantik.
Walter Koschatzky: Viennese Watercolors of the Nineteenth Century.
Kynaston McShine (ed.): Berlinart 1961-1987.
Reinhard Merker: Die bildenden Künste im Nationalsozialismus. Kulturideologie, Kulturpolitik, Kulturproduktion.
Magdalena Moeller: Der Blaue Reiter.
Jaroslav Pešina: German Painting of the 15th and 16th Centuries.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Austria.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Germany.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Switzerland.
Nicolas Powell: The Sacred Spring. The Arts in Vienna 1898-1918.
Edmund Schilling: Deutsche Romantiker-Zeichnungen.
Karin Thomas: Zweimal deutsche Kunst nach 1945. 40 Jahre Nähe und Ferne.
Kirk Varnedoe: Vienna 1900. Art, Achitecture and Design.
Peter Vergo: Art in Vienna 1898-1918. Klimt, Kokoschka, Schiele and their contemporaries.
Paul Vogt: Expressionismus. Deutsche Malerei 1905 bis 1920.
Paul Vogt: Der Blaue Reiter.
Paul Vogt: Geschichte der deutschen Malerei im 20. Jahrhundert.
John Willett: The New Sobriety 1917-1933. Art and Politics in the Weimar Period.
John Willett: The Weimar Years. A Culture Cut Short.
11. Indian art
12. Italian art
Glenn Andres/ John M. Hunisak/ A. Richard Turner/ Takashi Okamura (photography): The Art of Florence. 2 vols.
James Bentley: A Guide to Tuscany.
Wolfgang Braunfels/ Eckart Peterich: Liten italiensk konsthistoria.
Norma Broude: The Macchiaioli. Italian Painters of the Nineteenth Century.
Jacob Burckhardt: The Altarpiece in Renaissance Italy.
S. J. Freedberg: Painting in Italy 1500-1600.
J. R. Hale (ed.): A Concise Encyclopaedia of the Italian Renaissance.
Frederick Hartt: History of Italian Renaissance Art. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
Phaidon Cultural Guide. Italy.
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Charles Seymour Jr.: Sculpture in Italy 1400-1500.
John Steer: Venetian Painting. A Concise History.
John White: Art and Architecture in Italy 1250-1400.
Rudolf Wittkower: Art and Architecture in Italy 1600-1750.
Heinrich Wölfflin: Classic Art. An Introduction to the Italian Renaissance.
13. Japanese art
Neil K. Davey: Netsuke. A comprehensive study based on the M. T. Hindson Collection.
Vadime Elisseeff/ Danielle Elisseeff: Art of Japan.
Jack Hillier: Japanese Prints and Drawings from the Vever Collection. 3 vols.
Robert Treat Paine/ Alexander Soper: The Art and Architecture of Japan.
Robert Treat Paine/ Alexander Soper: The Art and Architecture of Japan.
Joan Stanley-Baker: Japanese Art.
14. Russian art
Alan Bird: A History of Russian Painting.
Matthew Cullerne Bown: Art under Stalin.
Matthew Cullerne Bown: Contemporary Russian Art.
David Elliott: New Worlds. Russian Art and Society 1900-1937.
Camilla Gray: The Russian Experiment in Art 1863-1922.
Mikhail Guerman (introd.): Soviet Art 1920s - 1930s. From the Russian Museum, Leningrad.
George Heard Hamilton: The Art and Architecture of Russia.
George Heard Hamilton: The Art and Architecture of Russia.
Tamara Talbot Rice: Russian Icons.
Angelica Zander Rudenstine (ed.): Russian Avant-Garde Art. The George Costakis Collection.
Dmitri V. Sarabianov: Russian Art. From Neoclassicism to the Avant-Garde. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture.
M. N. Yablonskaya: Women Artists of Russiaʼs New Age 1900-1935.
15. Scandinavian art
Henning Alsvik/ Leif Østby/ Reidar Revold: Norges billedkunst i det nittende og tyvende århundre. 2 vols.
Jan Askeland: Profiler i norsk grafikk.
Gunnar Berefelt: Svensk landskapskonst. Från renässans till romantik.
Henrik Bramsen/ Peter Koch: Dansk tegnekunst.
Eivind S. Engelstad: Senmiddelalderens kunst i Norge, ca 1400-1535.
Jesper Engelstoft/ Leif Østby/ Åke Meyerson (eds.): Gyldendals leksikon over moderne nordisk kunst.
Kai Flor: Kvinden i dansk kunst.
Henning Gran/ Reidar Revold: Kvinneportretter i norsk malerkunst.
Henrik Grevenor: Silhouetter.
Paul Grøtvedt: For fulle seil.
Anders Hedvall: Bohuslän i konsten. Från Allaert van Everdingen till Carl Wilhelmson.
Folke Holmér: Stockholm sett av 1900-talets målare.
Folke Holmér/ Erik Lindegren/ Egon Östlund: Halmstadgruppen. Waldemar Lorentzon, Axel Olson, Erik Olson, Esaias Thorén, Sven Jonson, Stellan Mörner.
Gunnar Jungmarker (introd.): Naket. Svenska teckningar från tre sekler.
Neil Kent: The Triumph of Light and Nature. Nordic Art 1740-1940.
Gösta Lilja: Den första svenska modernismen.
Mereth Lindgren a. o.: Svensk konsthistoria.
Viggo Loos: Friluftsmåleriets genombrott i svensk konst 1860-1885.
Börje Magnusson/ Ulf Cederlöf/ Bo Lindwall/ Ragnar von Holten: Svenska teckningar. 4 vols.
Åke Nisbeth: Bildernas predikan. Medeltida kalkmålningar i Sverige.
Bengt Olvång: Våga se! Svensk konst 1945-1980.
Einar Østvedt: Telemark i norsk malerkunst.
Hanne Poulsen: Danske skibsportrætmalere.
Prisma (ed.): Bildkonsten i Norden. 5 vols.
Sixten Ringbom (ed.): Konsten i Finland. Från medeltid till nutid.
Harald Sallberg/ Gunnar Jungmarker (eds.): Svensk grafik från tre sekler. En översikt omfattande tiden från 1700-talets mitt till våra dagar.
Sven Sandström (ed.): Konsten i Sverige. 8 vols.
John Boulton Smith: The Golden Age of Finnish Art. Art Nouveau and the national spirit.
Kirk Varnedoe: Nordisk gullalderkunst.
Knud Voss: Guldaldermalerne og deres billeder på Statens Museum for Kunst.
Knud Voss: Skagensmalerne og deres billeder på Skagens Museum.
Marit Werenskiold: De norske Matisse-elevene. Læretid og gjennombrudd 1908-1914.
Anne Wichstrøm: Kvinner ved staffeliet. Kvinnelige malere i Norge før 1900.
Jan Zibrandtsen: Moderne dansk maleri.
16. Spanish and Portugese art
17. Thai and Southeast Asian art
18. Monographs on artists A-C
ADRIAN-NILSSON. Jan Torsten Ahlstrand: GAN. Gösta Adrian-Nilsson. Modernistpionjären från Lund 1884-1920.
ADULYASARAPHAN. Pimphan Hansrisakul/ Jack M. Clontz: Transcending Thai Surrealism. The Art of Somphong Adulyasaraphan.
ANCHER. Margrethe Loerges: Michael Ancher.
ANDREA DEL CASTAGNO. Marita Horster: Andrea del Castagno. Complete edition with a critical catalogue.
ANGELICO. Giulio Carlo Argan: Fra Angelico and his Times.
ARCIMBOLDO. Pontus Hultén (ed.): The Arcimboldo Effect. Transformations of the face from the 16th to the 20th century.
ASTRUP. Øystein Loge: Gartneren under regnbuen. Hjemstavnskunstneren Nikolai Astrup.
AUDUBON. Alice Ford: John James Audubon. A Biography.
AULIE. Johan Borgen: Reidar Aulie.
BACKER. Else Christie Kielland: Harriet Backer 1845-1932.
BACON. Dawn Ades/ Andrew Forge: Francis Bacon.
BACON. John Russell: Francis Bacon.
BAKST. Irina Pruzhan: Léon Bakst.
BALTHUS. Sabine Rewald: Balthus.
BATONI. Anthony M. Clark: Pompeo Batoni. A complete catalogue of his works.
BEARDSLEY. Simon Wilson: Beardsley.
BIRGER. Sixten Strömbom: Hugo Birger. En levnadsteckning.
BLAKE. Kathleen Raine: William Blake.
BLOCH. Richard Magnussen: Carl Bloch 1834-1890.
BONINGTON. Malcolm Cormack: Bonington.
BONNARD. Francis Bouvet: Bonnard. The Complete Graphic Works.
BONNARD. André Fermigier: Pierre Bonnard.
BONNARD. Antoine Terrasse: Pierre Bonnard. Illustrator. A Catalogue Raisonné.
BOSCH. Walter S. Gibson: Hieronymous Bosch.
BOSCH. Carl Linfert: Bosch.
BOTERO. Pierre Restany: Botero.
BOTTICELLI. Ronald Lightbown: Sandro Botticelli. Life and Work.
BOUCHER. Georges Brunel: Boucher.
BOUCHER. Pierre Rosenberg a. o.: Francois Boucher 1703-1770.
BOUDIN. Jean Selz: Boudin.
BRANCUSI. Friedrich Teja Bach: Constantin Brancusi. Metamorphosen plastischer Form.
BRANCUSI. Radu Varia: Brancusi.
BRAQUE. Raymond Cogniat: Braque.
BRUEGHEL. Fritz Baumgart: Blumen-Brueghel.
BRUEGHEL. Klaus Ertz: Jan Brueghel.
BRUEGHEL. Wolfgang Stechow: Bruegel.
BURRA. Andrew Causey: Edward Burra. Complete Catalogue.
CANALETTO. W. G. Constable: Canaletto. Giovanni Antonio Canal 1697-1768. 2 vols.
CANALETTO. J. G. Links: Canaletto.
CARAVAGGIO. Howard Hibbard: Caravaggio.
CARAVAGGIO. Alfred Moir: Caravaggio.
CARR. Doris Shadbolt: The Art of Emily Carr.
CASSATT. Nancy Mowll Mathews: Mary Cassatt.
CEDERSTRÖM. Axel L. Romdahl: Gustaf Cederström.
CELLINI. Charles Hope/ Alessandro Nova (eds.): The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini.
CEZANNE. Henri Lallemand: Cézanne, Visions of a Great Painter.
CEZANNE. John Rewald: Cézanne. A Biography.
CEZANNE. John Rewald: Paul Cézanne.
CEZANNE. Meyer Shapiro: Cézanne.
CHAGALL. Aleksandr Kamensky: Chagall. The Russian Years, 1907-1922.
CHARDIN. Philip Conisbee: Chardin.
CLAUDE. Helen Langdon: Claude Lorrain.
COCTEAU. Arthur King Peters: Jean Cocteau and his World. An Illustrated Biography.
COLLETT. Arne Stenseng: Frederik Collett.
CONSTABLE. Malcolm Cormack: Constable.
CONSTABLE. Michael Rosenthal: Constable.
CONSTABLE. John Walker: Constable.
COROT. Madeleine Hours: Corot.
COROT. Yvon Taillandier: Corot.
COWARD. Sheridan Morley: Out in the Midday Sun. The Paintings of Noël Coward.
CRANACH. Max J. Friedländer/ Jakob Rosenberg: The Paintings of Lucas Cranach. Revised edition.
19. Monographs on artists D-F
DAHL. Andreas Aubert: Maleren Johan Christian Dahl. Et Stykke av forrige Aarhundredes Kunst- og Kulturhistorie.
DAHL. Marie Lødrup Bang: Johan Christian Dahl 1788-1857. Life and Works. 3 vols.
DAHL. Leif Østby: Johan Christian Dahl. Tegninger og akvareller.
DALI. Dawn Ades: Salvador Dali.
DALI. Salvador Dali: Diary of a Genius.
DALI. Robert Descharnes: Salvador Dali. The Work. The Man.
DALSGAARD. Knud Söeborg: Christen Dalsgaard og hans Kunst.
DARDEL. Karl Asplund: Nils Dardel. 2 vols.
DAVID. Luc de Nanteuil: David.
DAVIS. Karen Wilkin: Stuart Davis.
DEFREGGER. Adolf Rosenberg: Defregger.
DEGAS. Jean Adhémar/ Francoise Cachin: Degas. The Complete Etchings, Lithographs and Monotypes.
DEGAS. Götz Adriani: Degas. Pastels, Oil Sketches and Drawings.
DEGAS. Pierre Cabanne: Edgar Degas.
DEGAS. Daniel Catton Rich: Degas.
DEGAS. Daniel Catton Rich: Degas.
DEGAS. Denys Sutton: Edgar Degas. Life and Work.
DE KOONING. Paul Cummings/ Jörn Merkert/ Claire Stoullig: Willem de Kooning. Drawings, Paintings, Sculpture.
DE KOONING. Diane Waldman: Willem de Kooning.
DE LEMPICKA. Baroness Kizette de Lempicka-Foxhall (as told to Charles Phillips): Passion by Design. The Art and Times of Tamara de Lempicka.
DEMUTH. Barbara Haskell: Charles Demuth.
DERAIN. Gaston Diehl: Derain.
DERAIN. Jane Lee: Derain.
DÖDERHULTARN. Gunnar Jungmarker: Döderhultarn. Axel Pettersson 1868-1925.
DONATELLO. Bonnie A. Bennett/ David G. Wilkins: Donatello.
DONGEN. Gaston Diehl: Van Dongen.
DREYER. Leo Swane: Dankvart Dreyer 1816-1852.
DUBUFFET. Mildred Glimcher (essay)/ Jean Dubuffet: Jean Dubuffet. Towards an Alternative Reality.
DUCCIO. John White: Duccio. Tuscan Art and the Medieval Workshop.
DUCHAMP. Alexandrian: Marcel Duchamp.
DUCHAMP. Gloria Moure: Marcel Duchamp.
DUFY. Alfred Werner: Dufy.
DUNOYER DE SEGONZAC. Anne Distel: Dunoyer de Segonzac.
DÜRER. Max J. Friedländer: Albrecht Dürer.
DÜRER. H. Th. Musper: Albrecht Dürer.
DYCK. Christopher Brown: Van Dyck.
DYCK. Arthur K. Wheelock, Jr. a. o.: Van Dyck Paintings.
EAKINS. William Innes Homer: Thomas Eakins. His Life and Art.
EDELFELT. Bertel Hintze: Albert Edelfelt. 1-3.
EHRENSTRAHL. Axel Sjöblom: Ehrenstrahl.
ENSOR. Jacques Janssens: Ensor.
EPSTEIN. Evelyn Silber: The Sculpture of Epstein. With a Complete Catalogue.
ERNST. Gaston Diehl: Max Ernst.
ESTES. Louis K. Meisel: Richard Estes. The Complete Paintings 1966-1985.
EUGEN. Georg Pauli: Eugen. Målarprinsen.
EYCK. Robert Hughes/ Giorgio T. Faggin: The Complete Paintings of the van Eycks.
FABRITIUS. Christopher Brown: Carel Fabritius. Complete Edition. With a Catalogue Raisonné.
FEARNLEY. Sigurd Willoch: Maleren Thomas Fearnley.
FEARNLEY. Sigurd Willoch/ Henning Alsvik: Thomas Fearnleys tegninger fra reiser ute og hjemme 1824-1840.
FISCHER. Steffen Linvald: Paul Fischer. Københavnernes maler.
FJELL. Pola Gauguin: Kai Fjell.
FLAXMAN. David Bindman (ed.): John Flaxman.
FLINTOE. Henning Alsvik: Johannes Flintoe.
FRAGONARD. Pierre Rosenberg: Fragonard.
FREUD. Lawrence Gowing: Lucian Freud.
FREUD. Lawrence Gowing: Lucian Freud.
FRIEDRICH. Jens Christian Jensen: Caspar David Friedrich. Leben und Werk.
FRIEDRICH. Wieland Schmied: Caspar David Friedrich.
FRØLICH. F. Hendriksen (ed.): Lorenz Frølich. 1820 - 25. Oktober - 1920.
20. Monographs on artists G-I
GABO. Steven Nash/ Jörn Merkert (eds.): Naum Gabo. Sixty Years of Constuctivism.
GAINSBOROUGH. John Hayes: The Landscape Paintings of Thomas Gainsborough. A critical text and catalogue raisonné. 2 vols.
GAINSBOROUGH. William Vaughan: Gainsborough.
GALLEN-KALLELA. Timo Martin/ Douglas Sivén: Akseli Gallen-Kallela. National Artist of Finland.
GAUGUIN. Robert Goldwater: Gauguin.
GAUGUIN. Michel Hoog: Paul Gauguin. Life and Work.
GAUGUIN. Yann Le Pichon: Gauguin. Life, Art, Inspiration.
GAUGUIN. Belinda Thomsen: Gauguin.
GEROME. Gerald M. Ackerman: The Life and Work of Jean-Léon Gérôme. With a Catalogue Raisonné.
GIACOMETTI. Yves Bonnefoy: Giacometti. A Biography of his Work.
GIAMBOLOGNA. Charles Avery/ David Finn (photography): Giambologna. The Complete Sculpture.
GOGH. Judith Bumpus: Van Goghʼs Flowers.
GOGH. Pierre Cabanne: Van Gogh.
GOGH. Melissa McQuillan: Van Gogh.
GOGH. Ronald Pickvance: Van Gogh in Saint-Rémy and Auvers.
GOGH. Meyer Shapiro: Van Gogh.
GOGH. Evert van Uitert/ Louis van Tilborgh/ Sjraar van Heugten/ Johannes van der Wolk/ Ronald Pickvance/ E. B. Pey/ Queen of the Netherlands (foreword): Vincent van Gogh. Paintings. Drawings.
GOGH. Bernard Zurcher: Vincent van Gogh. Art, Life, and Letters.
GORKY. Melvin P. Lader: Archile Gorky.
GORKY. Diane Waldman: Archile Gorky 1904-1948. A Retrospective.
GOTTSCHALK. Troels Andersen: Albert Gottschalk 1866-1906.
GOYA. Benno Fleischmann: Francisco Goya.
GOYA. Pierre Gassier: The Drawings of Goya. The Sketches, Studies and Individual Drawings.
GOYA. José Gudiol: Goya.
GOYA. Gwyn A. Williams: Goya and the Impossible Revolution.
GRECO. Leo Bronstein: El Greco.
GRECO. Ludwig Goldscheider (introd.): El Greco. Gemälde.
GRIMSHAW. Alexander Robertson: Atkinson Grimshaw.
GRIS. Juan Antonio Gaya Nuño: Juan Gris.
GROSZ. Uwe M. Schneede: George Grosz.
GRÜNEWALD. J. P. Hodin: Isaac Grünewald.
GUDE. L. Dietrichson (Indledning): Af Hans Gudes Liv og Værker. Kunstnerens Livserindringer Udgivne og Forsynede med en Biografisk Indledning.
GUSTON. Robert Storr: Philip Guston.
HAELWEGH. Jørgen Sthyr: Kobberstikkeren Albert Haelwegh.
HALS. H. P. Baard: Frans Hals.
HANSEN. Emil Hannover: Maleren Constantin Hansen. En Studie i Dansk Kunsthistorie.
HANSEN. Karl Schou: Maleren Peter Hansen 1868-1928.
HARR. Ivar B. M. Alver: Karl Erik Harr.
HARTLEY. Gail R. Scott: Marsden Hartley.
HAUKELAND. Arild Haaland: Arnold Haukeland.
HELION. René Mischa: Hélion.
HEPWORTH. A. M. Hammacher: Barbara Hepworth.
HERTERVIG. Holger Koefoed: Lars Hertervig. Lysets maler.
HOCKNEY. R. B. Kitaj a. o.: David Hockney. A Retrospective.
HOCKNEY. Marco Livingstone: Hockney.
HOCKNEY. Nikos Stangos (ed.): Pictures by David Hockney.
HOCKNEY. Nikos Stangos (ed.): David Hockney by David Hockney. My Early Years.
HODLER. Sharon L. Hirsch: Ferdinand Hodler.
HOFMANN. Cynthia Goodman: Hans Hofmann.
HOGARTH. David Bindman: Hogarth.
HOKUSAI. J. Hillier: Hokusai Drawings.
HOLBEIN. John Rowlands: Holbein. The Paintings of Hans Holbein the Younger. Complete Edition.
HOOCH. Peter C. Sutton: Pieter de Hooch. Complete Edition.
HOPPER. Robert Hobbs: Edward Hopper.
HOPPER. Gail Levin: Edward Hopper. The Art and the Artist.
HOPPER. Gail Levin: Edward Hopper. The Complete Prints.
IBSEN. Otto Lous Mohr: Henrik Ibsen som maler.
INGRES. Robert Rosenblum: Ingres.
21. Monographs on artists J-L
JENSEN. Sigurd Schultz: C. A. Jensen. 2 vols.
JOENSEN-MIKINES. Ernst Mentze: S. Joensen-Mikines, Færøernes maler, hans kunst og miljø.
JOHN. Michael Holroyd: Augustus John. A Biography.
JOHN. Cecily Langdale/ David Fraser Jenkins: Gwen John. An Interior Life.
JOHNS. Michael Crichton: Jasper Johns.
JOHNS. Richard Francis: Jasper Johns.
JORDAENS. R.- A. dʼHulst: Jacob Jordaens.
JUNGSTEDT. Martin Strömberg: Kurt Jungstedt.
KANDINSKY. Hans K. Roethel/ Jean K. Benjamin: Kandinsky. Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil-Paintings. 2 vols.
KARSTEN. Pola Gauguin: Ludvig Karsten.
KENSETT. John Paul Driscoll/ John K. Howat: John Frederick Kensett. An American Master.
KITAJ. Marco Livingstone: R. B. Kitaj.
KITTELSEN. Leif Østby: Theodor Kittelsen.
KLEE. Christian Geelhaar: Paul Klee. Leben und Werk.
KLEE. Will Grohmann: Klee.
KLEE. Caroline Lanchner (ed.): Paul Klee.
KLEE. Richard Verdi: Klee and Nature.
KLIMT. Alessandra Comini: Gustav Klimt.
KLIMT. Christian M. Nebehay: Gustav Klimt. From Drawing to Painting.
KNIGHT. Caroline Fox: Dame Laura Knight.
KOLLWITZ. Werner Schmidt (ed.): Die Kollwitz-Sammlung des Dresdner Kupferstich-Kabinettes.
KROHG. Pola Gauguin: Christian Krohg.
KROHG. Oscar Thue: Christian Krohgs portretter.
KROHG. Trygve Nergaard: Bilder av Per Krohg.
KRØYER. Ernst Mentze: P. S. Krøyer. Kunstner af stort format, med brænte vinger.
KRUSE. Johs. E. Tang Kristensen: Rasmus Henrik Kruse. Naturmaler og antikvar.
LA FARGE. Henry Adams a. o.: John La Farge.
LAFRENSEN. Bo G. Wennberg: Niclas Lafrensen d. y.
LANDSEER. Richard Ormond: Sir Edwin Landseer.
LARSSON. Hans Henrik Brummer (preface): Carl Larsson. Graphic Works. A Complete Catalogue.
LARSSON. Georg Nordensvan: Carl Larsson. 1-2.
LEIBL. Alfred Langer: Wilhelm Leibl.
LEIGHTON. Christopher Newall: The Art of Lord Leighton.
LENBACH. Sonja von Baranow: Franz von Lenbach. Leben und Werk.
LEONARDO DA VINCI. Jack Wasserman: Leonardo da Vinci.
LEPAPE. Claude Lepape/ Thierry Defert: From the Ballets Russes to Vogue. The Art of Georges Lepape.
LICHTENSTEIN. Lawrence Alloway: Roy Lichtenstein.
LILJEFORS. K. E. Russow: Bruno Liljefors. En studie.
LONG. R. H. Fuchs: Richard Long.
LORCK. Erik Fischer (ed.): Melchior Lorck.
LOW. David Low: Lowʼs Company. Fifty Portraits.
LOWRY. Michael Leber/ Judith Sandling (eds.): L. S. Lowry.
LUNDBYE. Karl Madsen: Johan Thomas Lundbye 1818-1848.
22. Monographs on artists M-O
MACKE. Magdalena M. Moeller: August Macke.
MAGRITTE. Suzi Gablik: Magritte.
MAGRITTE. A. M. Hammacher: Magritte.
MAGRITTE. David Sylvester: Magritte.
MAGRITTE. Harry Torczyner: Magritte. Zeichen und Bilder.
MAILLOL. Denys Chevalier: Maillol.
MALEVICH. Evgeniya Petrova a. o.: Malevich. Artist and Theretician.
MANET. Kathleen Adler: Manet.
MANET. Francoise Cachin/ Charles S. Moffett/ Michel Melot: Manet.
MANET. Pierre Courthion: Manet.
MANET. Robert Rey: Manet.
MANET. John Richardson (introd.): Edouard Manet. Paintings and Drawings.
MAN RAY. Merry Foresta a. o.: Perpetual Motif. The Art of Man Ray.
MAN RAY. Roland Penrose: Man Ray.
MANTEGNA. Ronald Lightbown: Mantegna. With a Complete Catalogue of the Paintings, Drawings and Prints.
MARSTRAND. Karl Madsen: Wilhelm Marstrand 1810-1873.
MARTINI. Andrew Martindale: Simone Martini. Complete Edition.
MASSON. William Rubin/ Carolyn Lanchner: André Masson.
MASSYS. Larry Silver: The Paintings of Quinten Massys. With a Catalogue Raisonné.
MATHIEU. Dominique Quignon-Fleuret: Mathieu.
MATISSE. Jack Cowart/ Dominique Fourcade: Henri Matisse. The Early Years in Nice 1916-1930.
MATISSE. John Elderfield: Henri Matisse. A Retrospective.
MATISSE. John Elderfield: The Drawings of Henri Matisse.
MATISSE. Jack Flam: Matisse. The Man and His Art. 1869-1918.
MATISSE. Lawrence Gowing: Matisse.
MATISSE. John Jacobus: Matisse.
MATISSE. Isabelle Monod-Fontaine: The Sculpture of Henri Matisse.
MATISSE. Pierre Schneider: Matisse.
MATISSE. Nicholas Watkins: Matisse.
MENZEL. Jens Christian Jensen: Adolph Menzel.
MICHELANGELO. Umberto Baldini: The Complete Sculpture of Michelangelo.
MICHELANGELO. Ludwig Goldscheider: Michelangelo. Paintings, Sculpture, Architecture. Complete Edition. Fifth edition.
MICHELANGELO. Frederick Hartt: Michelangelo. The Complete Sculpture. Revised edition.
MICHELANGELO. Frederick Hartt: Michelangelo.
MICHELANGELO. Linda Murray: Michelangelo.
MIRO. Roland Penrose: Miró.
MODERSOHN-BECKER. Christa Murken-Altrogge: Paula Modersohn-Becker. Leben und Werk.
MODIGLIANI. Gaston Diehl: Modigliani.
MODIGLIANI. Carol Mann: Modigliani.
MODIGLIANI. Alfred Werner: Modigliani.
MOHOLY-NAGY. Krisztina Passuth: Moholy-Nagy.
MONDRIAN. Herbert Henkels: Mondrian. From Figuration to Abstraction.
MONET. William C. Seitz: Monet.
MONET. Robert Gordon/ Andrew Forge: Monet.
MOREAU. Jean Selz: Gustave Moreau.
MORISOT. Kathleen Adler/ Tamar Garb: Berthe Morisot.
MORISOT. Jean Dominique Rey: Berthe Morisot.
MORISOT. Charles F. Stuckey/ William P. Scott: Berthe Morisot. Impressionist.
MUCHA. Ann Bridges (ed.): Alphonse Mucha. The Complete Graphic Works.
MUCHA. Jiři Mucha: Alphonse Maria Mucha. His Life and Art.
MUNCH. Arne Eggum: Munch og fotografi.
MUNCH. Arne Eggum: Edvard Munch. Paintings, Sketches and Studies.
MUNCH. Arne Eggum: Edvard Munch. Malerier, skisser og studier.
MUNCH. John Elderfield/ Arne Eggum: The Masterworks of Edvard Munch.
MUNCH. Pola Gauguin: Edvard Munch.
MUNCH. J. P. Hodin: Edvard Munch.
MUNCH. Gustav Schiefler: Edvard Munch. Das graphische Werk. 2 vols.
MUNCH. Ragna Stang: Edvard Munch. Mennesket og kunstneren.
MUNNINGS. Stanley Booth: Sir Alfred Munnings 1878-1959. A Centenary Tribute. An appreciation of the artist and a selection of his paintings.
MUNTHE. Hilmar Bakken: Gerhard Munthe. En biografisk studie.
NERDRUM. Jan Åke Petterson: Odd Nerdrum.
NIELSEN. Poul Uttenreitter: Kai Nielsen.
NOLDE. Werner Haftmann: Emil Nolde.
NOLDE. Emil Nolde: Mein Leben.
NOLDE. Martin Urban: Emil Nolde. Catalogue Raisonné of the Oil Paintings. 2 vols.
NUSSBAUM. Peter Junk/ Wendelin Zimmer: Felix Nussbaum. Leben und Werk.
OʼKEEFFE. Laurie Lisle: Portrait of an Artist. A Biography of Georgia OʼKeeffe.
OUDOT. Daniel Vouga: Roland Oudot.
23. Monographs on artists P-R
PASCIN. Gaston Diehl: Pascin.
PELLIZZA DA VOLPEDO. Aurora Scotti: Pellizza da Volpedo. Catalogo generale.
PERSSON. Nils Palmgren: Karin Persson.
PHILIPSEN. Karl Madsen: Maleren Theodor Philipsen.
PICABIA. Maria Louisa Borras: Picabia.
PICASSO. Marie-Laure Besnard-Bernadac/ Michèle Richet/ Hélène Seckel: The Musée Picasso, Paris. Catalogue of the collection.
PICASSO. Wilhelm Boeck (introd.): Picasso Linoleum Cuts. Bacchanals, Women, Bulls, and Bullfighters.
PICASSO. Hans Bolliger (introd.): Picassoʼs Vollard Suite.
PICASSO. Pierre Daix/ Joan Rosselet: Picasso. The Cubist Years 1907-1916. A Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings and Related Works.
PICASSO. Timothy Hilton: Picasso.
PICASSO. Hans L. C. Jaffé: Picasso.
PICASSO. Josep Palau i Fabre: Picasso. The Early Years 1881-1907.
PICASSO. Josep Palau i Fabre: Picasso.
PICASSO. William Rubin (ed.): Pablo Picasso. A Retrospective.
PIRANESI. John Wilton-Ely: The Mind and Art of Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
PISSARRO. Christopher Lloyd: Pissarro.
PISSARRO. John Rewald: Pissarro.
POLLOCK. Elizabeth Frank: Jackson Pollock.
POUSSIN. Alain Mérot: Nicolas Poussin.
POUSSIN. Konrad Oberhuber: Poussin. The Early Years in Rome. The Origins of French Classicism.
RÄDERSCHEIDT. Günter Herzog: Anton Räderscheidt.
RAPHAEL. James H. Beck: Raphael.
RAPHAEL. Leopold D. Ettlinger/ Helen S. Ettlinger: Raphael.
RAPHAEL. Paul Joannides: The Drawings of Raphael. With a Complete Catalogue.
REDON. Roseline Bacou: Odilon Redon. Pastels.
REDON. Jean Selz: Odilon Redon.
REMBRANDT. Svetlana Alpers: Rembrandtʼs Enterprise. The Studio and the Market.
REMBRANDT. Jeroen Giltaij: The Drawings of Rembrandt and his School in the Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, Rotterdam.
REMBRANDT. Richard Hamann: Rembrandts Radierungen.
REMBRANDT. Emile Michel: Rembrandt. Sa vie, son oeuvre et son temps.
REMBRANDT. Ludwig Münz/ Bob Haak: Rembrandt.
REMBRANDT. The Nowell-Usticke Collection of Rembrandt Etchings. Part One.
REMBRANDT. Christopher White: Rembrandt.
REMINGTON. Michael Edward Shapiro/ Peter H. Hassrick: Frederic Remington. The Masterworks.
RENI. D. Stephen Pepper: Guido Reni. A Complete Catalogue of his Works with an Introductory Text.
RENOIR. Walter Pach: Renoir.
RENOIR. Barbara Ehrlich White: Renoir. His Life, Art and Letters.
REYNOLDS. Nicholas Penny (ed.): Reynolds.
ROBBIA. John Pope-Hennessy: Luca della Robbia.
ROBERTS. Helen Guiterman/ Briony Llewellyn (eds.): David Roberts.
ROCKWELL. Thomas S. Buechner: Norman Rockwell. Artist and Illustrator.
RODCHENKO. S. O. Khan-Magomedov: Rodchenko. The Complete Work.
RODIN. Bernard Champigneulle: Rodin.
RODIN. Frederic V. Grunfeld: Rodin. A Biography.
ROPS. Charles Brison: Felicien Rops. Eine Monographie.
ROSSETTI. Alicia Craig Faxon: Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
ROTHKO. Diane Waldman: Mark Rothko, 1903-1970. A Retrospective.
ROUAULT. Pierre Courthion: Rouault.
ROUSSEAU. Roger Shattuck a. o.: Henri Rousseau.
RUBENS. Julius S. Held: Rubens. Selected Drawings.
RUMOHR. Jan Askeland/ Halvdan Ljøsne: Knut Rumohr.
RUNGE. Jens Christian Jensen: Philipp Otto Runge. Leben und Werk.
RUSSELL. Frederick G. Renner: Charles M. Russell. Paintings, drawings, and sculpture in the Amon Carter Museum of Western Art.
RYDBERG. Helge Kjellin: Gustaf Rydberg. Skånes målare.
24. Monographs on artists S-U
SAENREDAM. Gary Schwartz/ Marten Jan Bok: Pieter Saenredam. The Painter and His Time.
SARGENT. Carter Ratcliff: John Singer Sargent.
SCHIELE. Alessandra Comini: Egon Schiele.
SCHIELE. Jane Kallir: Egon Schiele. The Complete Works. With a Catalogue Raisonné of the Paintings, Watercolours, Drawings, Sketchbooks and Prints.
SCHIELE. Erwin Mitsch: The Art of Egon Schiele.
SCHIELE. Christian M. Nebehay: Egon Schiele. Sketchbooks.
SCHIELE. Frank Whitford: Egon Schiele.
SCHJERFBECK. Leena Ahtola-Moorhouse: Och ingen vet hurudan jag är. Helene Schjerfbecks självporträtt 1878-1945.
SCHJERFBECK. Hanna Appelberg/ Eilif Appelberg: Helene Schjerfbeck. En biografisk konturteckning.
SCHWITTERS. John Elderfield: Kurt Schwitters.
SEGAL. Phyllis Tuchman: George Segal.
SEURAT. John Rewald: Seurat. A Biography.
SEURAT. John Russell: Seurat.
SEURAT. Richard Thomson: Seurat.
SICKERT. Richard Shone: Walter Sickert.
SINDING. Stephan Sinding: En Billedhuggers Liv.
SIRONI. Jürgen Harten/ Jochen Poetter (eds.): Mario Sironi.
SISLEY. Raymond Cogniat: Sisley.
SKOVGAARD. Axel Rode: Niels Skovgaard. Med en fortegnelse over hans malede arbejder ved Ebbe Skovgaard.
SMITH. Karen Wilkin: David Smith.
SOHLBERG. Arne Stenseng: Harald Sohlberg. En kunstner utenfor alfarvei.
SØRENSEN. Finn Nielssen: Henrik Sørensen.
SOROLLA Y BASTIDA. Edmund Peel (ed.): The Painter Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida.
SOULAGES. Bernard Ceysson: Soulages.
SPENCER. Duncan Robinson: Stanley Spencer.
SPITZWEG. Manuel Albrecht: Carl Spitzwegs Malerparadies.
SPITZWEG. Jens Christian Jensen: Carl Spitzweg. Zwischen Resignation und Zeitkritik.
SPITZWEG. Jens Christian Jensen: Carl Spitzweg.
STAЁL. Guy Dumur: De Staël.
STOLTENBERG. Henrik Grevenor: Mathias Stoltenberg. En kunstner mellem to tidsaldre.
STUART. Richard McLanathan: Gilbert Stuart.
STUBBS. Christopher Lennox-Boyd/ Rob Dixon/ Tim Clayton: George Stubbs. The Complete Engraved Works.
SYBERG. Poul Uttenreitter: Fritz Syberg.
TAMAYO. Octavio Paz/ Jacques Lassaigne: Rufino Tamayo.
THAULOW. Einar Østvedt: Frits Thaulow. Mannen og verket.
TIDEMAND. L. Dietrichson: Adolph Tidemand. Hans Liv og hans Værker. Et Bidrag til den norske Kunsts Historie. 1-2.
TINGUELY. Pontus Hultén (ed.): Jean Tinguely. A Magic Stronger than Death.
TINTORETTO. Francesco Valcanover/ Terisio Pignatti: Tintoretto.
TISSOT. Krystyna Matyjaszkiewicz (ed.): James Tissot.
TITIAN. David Rosand: Titian.
TITIAN. Hans Tietze: Tizian. Leben und Werk. 2 vols.
TOBIASSE. Chaim Potok: Tobiasse. Artist in Exile.
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. Götz Adriani: Toulouse-Lautrec. Das gesamte graphische Werk.
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. Götz Adriani: Toulouse-Lautrec und das Paris um 1900.
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. Götz Adriani: Toulouse-Lautrec. Gemälde und Bildstudien.
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. Douglas Cooper: Toulouse-Lautrec.
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. Ph. Huisman/ M. G. Dortu: Lautrec par Lautrec.
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. Edward Lucie-Smith: Toulouse-Lautrec.
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. Gerstle Mack: Toulouse-Lautrec.
TOULOUSE-LAUTREC. Wolfgang Wittrock: Toulouse-Lautrec. The Complete Prints. 2 vols.
TURNER. Luke Herrmann: Turner. Paintings, Watercolours, Prints and Drawings.
TURNER. Luke Herrmann: Turner Prints. The Engraved Work of J. M. W. Turner.
TURNER. Graham Reynolds: Turner.
TURNER. John Walker: Turner.
TURNER. Andrew Wilton: Turner in His Time.
UTRILLO. Jeanine Warnod: Maurice Utrillo.
UTRILLO. Alfred Werner: Utrillo.
25. Monographs on artists V-Z
VALADON. Jeanine Warnod: Suzanne Valadon.
VASARELY. Gaston Diehl: Vasarely.
VELAZQUEZ. Enriqueta Harris: Velázquez.
VELAZQUEZ. Joseph-Emile Muller: Velázquez.
VELAZQUEZ. Maurice Sérullaz: Velázquez.
VELDE. M. S. Robinson: The Paintings of the Willem van de Veldes. A Catalogue of the Paintings of the Elder and the Younger Willem van de Velde. 2 vols.
VERMEER. A. B. de Vries: Jan Vermeer van Delft.
VERMEER. Arthur K. Wheelock Jr.: Vermeer.
VERMEHREN. Th. Faaborg: Johan Frederik Nikolai Vermehren. 1823/12. Maj/1923. 1-2.
VERONESE. Richard Cocke: Veroneseʼs Drawings. A Catalogue Raisonné.
VIGELAND. Tone Wikborg: Gustav Vigeland. Mennesket og kunstneren.
VLAMINCK. Jean Selz: Vlaminck.
VUILLARD. Belinda Thompson: Vuillard.
WARHOL. Kynaston McShine (ed.): Andy Warhol. A Retrospective.
WARHOL. Riva Castleman: The Prints of Andy Warhol.
WARHOL. Carter Ratcliff: Warhol.
WATTEAU. Andreas Lindblom: Antoine Watteau.
WEIDEMANN. Erik Egeland: Weidemann. En norsk modernist.
WENTZEL. Kitty Wentzel: Gustav Wentzel.
WERENSKIOLD. Leif Østby: Erik Werenskiold. Tegninger og akvareller.
WHISTLER. David Park Curry: James McNeill Whistler at the Freer Gallery of Art.
WHISTLER. Roy McMullen: Victorian Outsider. A Biography of J. A. M. Whistler.
WYETH. John Wilmerding: Andrew Wyeth. The Helga Pictures.
WHISTLER. John Walker: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
ZORN. Gerda Boëthius: Zorn. Svensk och världsvandrare.
ZORN. Gerda Boëthius: Zorn. Tecknaren, målaren, etsaren, skulptören.
ZORN. Gerda Boëthius: Zorn. Människan och konstnären.
ZORN. Hans Henrik Brummer (preface): Zorn. Engravings. A Complete Catalogue.
26. Monographs on museums and galleries
AMSTERDAM. Emile Meijer: Treasures from the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam.
BEIJING. Wan-go Weng/ Yang Boda: The Palace Museum, Peking. Treasures of the Forbidden City.
BERGEN. Aslaug Blytt (introd.): Bergen Billedgalleri. Maleri og skulptur. Katalog.
COLOGNE. Siegfried Gohr (ed.): Museum Ludwig, Köln. Gemälde, Skulpturen, Environments vom Expressionismus bis zur Gegenwart. 2 vols.
COLOGNE. Rainer Budde a. o.: Wallraf-Richartz Museum, Cologne.
COPENHAGEN. Aage Roussell (ed.): Danmarks Nationalmuseum.
COPENHAGEN. Marianne Brøns a. o.: Dansk malerkunst. Statens Museum for Kunst. Katalog. 4 vols.
EDINBURGH. Timothy Clifford (introd.): National Galleries of Scotland.
FAABORG. Leo Swane/ Kirsten Rasmussen (eds.): Illustreret Katalog for Faaborg Museum.
FLORENCE. Luciano Berti a. o.: The Uffizi.
GOTHENBURG. Axel L. Romdahl (foreword): Göteborgs konstmuseum, katalog.
THE HAGUE. Mauritshuis, The Hague. English Guide.
LILLEHAMMER. Tord Buggeland/ Jakob Ågotnes: Maihaugen. De Sandvigske Samlinger 100 år.
LONDON. Judy Rudoe: Decorative Arts 1850-1950. A Catalogue of the British Museum Collection.
LONDON. Dennis Farr a. o.: The Courtauld Institute Galleries.
LONDON. Allan Braham (preface): National Gallery. Illustrated General Catalogue.
LONDON. Michael Levey (ed.): The National Gallery Collection.
LONDON. Homan Potterton: The National Gallery, London.
LONDON. Ronald Alley (ed.): Catalogue of The Tate Galleryʼs Collection of Modern Art. Other than works by British artists.
LONDON. Alexander Schouvaloff (ed.): The Theatre Museum, London.
LONDON. Elizabeth Esteve-Coll a. o.: The Victoria and Albert Museum.
LONDON. Lionel Lambourne/ Jean Hamilton (eds.): British Watercolours in the Victoria and Albert Museum.
LONDON. John Ingamells: The Wallace Collection.
LOS ANGELES. Elizabeth Pomeroy: The Huntington. Library, Art Gallery, Botanical Gardens.
MADRID. Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez a. o.: The Prado.
MADRID. F. J. Sánchez Cantón: The Prado.
MUNICH. Franz von Reber (introd.): Katalog der Gemälde-Sammlung der Kgl. Älteren Pinakothek in München.
MUNICH. Erich Steingräber: The Alte Pinakothek, Munich.
MUNICH. Christian Lenz: The Neue Pinakothek, Munich.
NEW YORK. Alfred H. Barr, Jr.: Painting and Sculpture in the Museum of Modern Art 1929-1967.
NEW YORK. Sam Hunter (introd.): The Museum of Modern Art. The History and the Collection.
OSLO. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Pictures and Sculptures in the Norwegian National Gallery.
PARIS. Germain Bazin: The Louvre.
PARIS. Arnauld Brejon de Lavergnée a. o.: Catalogue sommaire illustré des peintures du Musée du Louvre. 5 vols.
PARIS. Lawrence Gowing: Paintings in the Louvre.
PARIS. Michel Laclotte/ Jean-Pierre Cuzin: The Louvre. French and Other European Paintings.
PARIS. Michel Laclotte (introd.): The Musée dʼOrsay.
PARIS. Michel Laclotte a. o.: Painting in the Musée dʼOrsay.
PASADENA. Frank Herrmann (introd.): The Norton Simon Museum.
STOCKHOLM. Carl Nordenfalk (introd.): Stockholm/ Nationalmuseum.
VIENNA. Manfred Leithe-Jasper a. o.: The Kunsthistorische Museum, Vienna.
WASHINGTON. John Walker: National Gallery of Art, Washington.
WASHINGTON. National Museum of Women in the Arts.
27. Collecting, collectors
Joseph Alsop: The Rare Art Traditions. The History of Art Collecting and Its Linked Phenomena.
S. N. Behrman: Duveen.
Milton W. Brown: The Story of the Armory Show.
CHRISTIEʼS. Mark Wrey/ Anne Montefiore (eds.): Christieʼs Review of the Season 1989.
CHRISTIEʼS. Mark Wrey (ed.): Christieʼs Review of the Season 1988.
CHRISTIEʼS. Mark Wrey/ Susanna Spicer (eds.): Christieʼs Review of the Season 1987.
CHRISTIEʼS. Mark Wrey (ed.): Christieʼs Review of the Season 1986.
CHRISTIEʼS. Mark Wrey (ed.): Christieʼs Review of the Season 1985.
CHRISTIEʼS. John Herbert (ed.): Christieʼs Review of the Season 1982.
CHRISTIEʼS. John Herbert (ed.): Christieʼs Review of the Season 1980.
CHRISTIEʼS. John Herbert (ed.): Christieʼs Review of the Season 1978.
CHRISTIEʼS. Christieʼs Review of the Year 1964-1965.
CHRISTIEʼS. Christieʼs Review of the Year 1963-1964.
CHRISTIEʼS. Christieʼs Review of the Year 1960-1961.
David Coombs (ed.): Antique Collecting for Pleasure.
Robert Cumming (ed.): Christieʼs Guide to Collecting.
Algernon Graves: Art Sales. From early in the eighteenth century to early in the twentieth century. (Mostly old master and early English pictures).
Christine Hansson a. o. (eds.): Klubbat på auktion. 18 vols.
Francis Haskell: Rediscoveries in Art. Some aspects of taste, fashion and collecting in England and France.
HAVEMEYER. Frances Weitzenhoffer: The Havemeyers. Impressionism Comes to America.
F. Hendriksen (ed.): Illustreret Katalog over den Nordiske Kunstudstilling ved Charlottenborg 1883.
F. Hendriksen (ed.): Illustreret Katalog over Kunstudstillingen ved Charlottenborg 1889.
F. Hendriksen (ed.): Illustreret Katalog over Kunstudstillingen ved Charlottenborg 1884.
Kathleen Howard a. o. (eds.): Liechtenstein. The Princely Collections.
International Directory of Arts 1987/88.
Susanna Johnston/ Tim Beddow (photography): Collecting. The Passionate Pastime.
Maria Kontou (ed.): Museums and Galleries of Greece and Cyprus.
Th. Lewald (foreword): Olympische Kunstausstellung Berlin 15. Juli – 16. August 1936.
Huon Mallalieu (ed.): Popular Antiques Yearbook 1988.
Huon Mallalieu (ed.): Popular Antiques Yearbook 1987.
Huon Mallalieu (ed.): Popular Antiques Yearbook. Current trends and prices of everyday antiques.
Huon Mallalieu: How to Buy Pictures. Practical advice on all aspects of the art market.
E. Mayer: International Auction Records 1986. Vol. XX.
E. Mayer: International Auction Records 1987. Vol. XXI.
Judith Miller/ Martin Miller (eds.): Millerʼs International Antiques Price Guide 1988.
Judith Miller/ Martin Miller (eds.): Millerʼs Antiques Price Guide 1988.
Martin Miller/ Judith Miller (eds.): Millerʼs Antiques Price Guide 1983.
Ann Lee Morgan (ed.): International Contemporary Arts Directory.
Steven A. Nash (ed.): A Century of Modern Sculpture. The Patsy and Raymond Nasher Collection.
Gerald Reitlinger: The Economics of Taste. Volume 2. The rise and fall of objects dʼart prices since 1750.
Fritz Traugott Schulz (ed.): Katalog der Ausstellung deutscher Kunst der Gegenwart 1928 Nürnberg.
SOTHEBY PARKE BERNET. Thomas E. Norton: 100 Years of Collecting in America. The Story of Sotheby Parke Bernet.
SOTHEBYʼS. Sally Prideaux (ed.): Sothebyʼs Art at Auction 1990-91.
SOTHEBYʼS. Sally Prideaux (ed.): Sothebyʼs Art at Auction 1989-90.
SOTHEBYʼS. Sally Liddell (ed.): Sothebyʼs Art at Auction 1988-89.
SOTHEBYʼS. Sally Liddell (ed.): Sothebyʼs Art at Auction 1987-88.
SOTHEBYʼS. Georgia Fogg (ed.): Sothebyʼs Art at Auction 1986-87.
SOTHEBYʼS. Georgia Fogg/ Louise Berg (eds.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sothebyʼs 1985-86.
SOTHEBYʼS. Georgia Fogg (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sothebyʼs 1984-85.
SOTHEBYʼS. Tim Ayers (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sothebyʼs 1983-84.
SOTHEBYʼS. Tim Ayers (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sothebyʼs 1982-83.
SOTHEBYʼS. Tim Ayers (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sothebyʼs 1981-82.
SOTHEBYʼS. Joan A. Spears (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sothebyʼs 1980-81.
SOTHEBYʼS. Joan A. Spears (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sotheby Parke Bernet 1979-80.
SOTHEBYʼS. Diana de Froment (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sotheby Parke Bernet 1978-79.
SOTHEBYʼS. Diana de Froment/ Lynn Lewis (eds.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sotheby Parke Bernet 1977-78.
SOTHEBYʼS. Anne Jackson (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sotheby Parke Bernet 1976-77.
SOTHEBYʼS. Anne Jackson (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sotheby Parke Bernet 1975-76.
SOTHEBYʼS. Anne Jackson (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sotheby Parke Bernet 1974-75.
SOTHEBYʼS. Philip Wilson (ed.): Art at Auction. The Year at Sothebyʼs and Parke Bernet 1968-69.
SOTHEBYʼS. Philip Wilson (ed.): Art At Auction. The Year at Sothebyʼs and Parke Bernet 1967-68.
SOTHEBYʼS. Frank Davis (introd.): Ivory Hammer 2. The Year at Sothebyʼs 1963-1964.
SOTHEBYʼS. Frank Davis (introd.): The Ivory Hammer. The Year at Sothebyʼs 1962-1963.
SOTHEBYʼS. Frank Davis (introd.): Sothebyʼs Annual Review 1961-1962.
Sothebyʼs World Guide to Antiques and Their Prices. 1987 Edition.
Sothebyʼs World Guide to Antiques and Their Prices. 1986 Edition.
Sothebyʼs Guide. Antiques and Their Prices Worldwide. 1988 Edition.
Steven Spurrier/ Joseph Ward: How to Buy Fine Wines.
Verzeichnis der Werke lebender Künstler auf der LV. Ausstellung der Königlichen Akademie der Künste.
28. Applied art, antiques, modern design, interior decoration
Emilio Ambasz (ed.): The International Design Yearbook 1986/87.
Catherine Arminjon a. o.: LʼArt de Vivre. Decorative Arts in France 1789-1989.
Victor Arwas: Art Deco.
Renato Barilli: Art Nouveau.
Jo Ann Barwick: Scandinavian Country.
Herbert Bayer/ Ise Gropius/ Walter Gropius (eds.): Bauhaus 1919-1928.
Patricia Bayer: Art Deco Source Book. A visual reference to a decorative style 1920-1940.
Patricia Bayer: Art Deco Interiors. Decoration and design classics of the 1920s and 1930s.
Stephen Bayley/ Philippe Garner/ Deyan Sudjic: Twentieth-Century Style and Design.
Geoffrey Beard: Stucco and Decorative Plasterwork in Europe.
Mario Bellini (ed.): The International Design Yearbook 1990/91.
Carl L. Bendix/ E. G. Folcker (eds.): Det svenska konsthandtverket 1909. Allmänna svenska utställningen för konsthandtverk och konstindustri i Stockholm 1909.
Lewis Blackwell: International Interiors 2. Offices, studios, shops, restaurants, bars, clubs, hotels, cultural and public buildings.
Oscar Tusquets Blanca (ed.): The International Design Yearbook 1989/90.
Alf Bøe: Norwegian Industrial Design.
Jean-Paul Bouillon: Art Nouveau 1870-1914.
Andrea Branzi: Domestic Animals. The Neoprimitive Style.
BRANZI. Germano Celant (foreword): Andrea Branzi. The Complete Works.
Yvonne Brunhammer/ Suzanne Tise: French Decorative Art.
Laurence Buffet-Challie: Art Nouveau Style.
Laura Cerwinske/ Steven Brooke (photography): Miami Hot & Cool.
Erwin O. Christensen: The Index of American Design.
R. J. Clark a. o.: Design in America. The Cranbrook Vision 1925-1950.
Emma Dent Coad: Spanish Design and Architecture.
Michael Collins: Toward Post-Modernism. Design since 1851.
COLOMBO. Ignazia Favata: Joe Colombo and Italian Design of the Sixties.
Andrea DiNoto: Art Plastic. Designed for Living.
Nicholas Drake: The Fifties in Vogue.
DRESSER. Widar Halén: Christopher Dresser.
DUNAND. Félix Marcilhac: Jean Dunand. His Life and Works.
Alastair Duncan: Art Deco.
Alastair Duncan: American Art Deco.
Ralph Edwards/ L. G. G. Ramsey (eds.): The Connoisseurʼs Complete Period Guides, to the Houses, Decoration, Furnishing and Chattels of the Classic Periods, 1500-1860.
Anne-Marie Ericsson: Svenskt 1920-tal. Konsthantverk och konstindustri.
Harry Fett: Gamle norske hjem, hus og bohave.
Adrian Forty: Objects of Desire. Design and Society 1750-1980.
Michael Freeman/ Sian Evans/ Mimi Lipton: In the Oriental Style. A sourcebook of decoration and design.
Joe Friedman: Inside London. Discovering Londonʼs Period Interiors.
Joe Friedman: Inside Paris. Discovering the Period Interiors of Paris.
GALLE. Francoise-Thérèse Charpentier/ Philippe Thiébaut (eds.): Gallé.
Philippe Garner (ed.): Phaidon Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts 1890-1940.
Elizabeth Gaynor/ Kari Haavisto (photography): Scandinavia Living Design.
Elizabeth Gaynor/ Kari Haavisto (photography): Finland Living Design.
Mirjam Gelfer-Jørgensen: Dansk kunsthåndværk fra 1850 til vor tid.
Alan Gore/ Ann Gore: The History of English Interiors.
Henrik Grevenor: Fra laugstiden i Norge.
Léon de Groër: Decorative Arts in Europe 1790-1850.
Arthur Hald/ Sven Erik Skawonius: Contemporary Swedish Design. A survey in pictures.
Ulf Hamran: I Sørlandshuset. Hus, interiør og inventar 1650-1910.
Malcolm Haslam: In the Nouveau Style.
Gerd Hatje/ Herbert Weisskamp: Rooms by Design. Houses, apartments, studios, lofts.
Ambrose Heal: The Signboards of Old London Shops.
John Heskett: Industrial Design.
David Hicks: Style and Design.
Carsten Hopstock: Norwegian Design. From Viking Age to Industrial Revolution.
Jocasta Innes: Scandinavian Painted Decor.
Wanda Jankowski: The Best of Lighting Design.
Madeleine Jarry: Chinoiserie. Chinese Influence on European Decorative Art 17th and 18th Centuries.
Simon Jervis: The Penguin Dictionary of Design and Designers.
Simon Jervis: The Penguin Dictionary of Design and Designers.
Guy Julier: New Spanish Design.
Jane Kallir: Viennese Design and the Wiener Werkstätte.
Dan Klein a. o.: In the Deco Style.
Dan Klein/ Margaret Bishop: Decorative Art 1880-1980.
Lance Knobel (ed.): International Interiors. Offices, restaurants, bars, clubs, hotels, shops, cultural and sports buildings.
Allison Kyle Leopold/ Elizabeth Heyert (photography): Victorian Splendor. Re-Creating Americaʼs 19th-Century Interiors.
LIBERTY. Stephen Calloway (ed.): The House of Liberty. Masters of Style and Decoration.
Lennart Lindkvist (ed.): Design in Sweden.
Charles McCorquodale: The History of Interior Decoration.
Catherine McDermott: Street Style. British Design in the 80s.
David McFadden (ed.): Scandinavian Modern Design 1880-1980.
Paul Maenz: Die 50er Jahre. Formen eines Jahrzehnts.
Paul Maenz: Art Deco 1920-1940. Formen zwischen zwei Kriegen.
Lara-Vinca Masini: Art Nouveau.
Betty Massingham: Flower Arranging in colour.
Christine Mather/ Sharon Woods: Santa Fe Style.
MEMPHIS. Barbara Radice: Memphis.
John FitzMaurice Mills: The Noble Dwellings of Ireland.
Vibeke A. Mohr: Vår husflid.
MOLLINO. Giovanni Brino: Carlo Mollino. Architecture as Autobiography. Architecture, furniture, interior design 1928-1973.
Ann Lee Morgan (ed.): Contemporary Designers.
MOSER. Daniele Baroni/ Antonio DʼAuria: Kolo Moser. Graphic Artist and Designer.
MUNTHE. Hilmar Bakken: Gerhard Munthes dekorative kunst.
National Retail Merchants Association/ Institute for Store Plannersʼ Store Interior Design Competition: The Best of Store Designs.
National Retail Merchants Association/ Institute for Store Plannersʼ Store Interior Design Competition: The Best of Store Designs 2.
National Retail Merchants Association/ Institute for Store Plannersʼ Store Interior Design Competition: The Best of Store Designs 3.
Peter Neill (ed.): Maritime America. Art and Artifacts from Americaʼs Great Nautical Collections.
Bo Niles: White by Design.
Bengt Nyström: Konsten till industrin. Alf Wallander och Gunnar Wennerberg som konstindustriella formgivare.
Jan-Lauritz Opstad: Norsk Art Nouveau.
Jan-Lauritz Opstad: En ny bevissthet. Norsk kunsthåndverk 1970-1990.
Katherine Pearson: American Crafts. A Source Book for the Home.
PESCE. France Vanlaethem: Gaetano Pesce. Architecture, Design, Art.
Nikolaus Pevsner: Pioneers of Modern Design. From William Morris to Walter Gropius.
John F. Pile: Interior Design.
Mario Praz: An Illustrated History of Interior Decoration. From Pompeii to Art Nouveau.
Andrée Putman (ed.): The International Design Yearbook 1992.
Noël Riley: Victorian Design Source Book. A visual referene to a decorative style 1837-1901.
Anna Rowland: Bauhaus Source Book.
Catherine Sabino/ Angelo Tondini/ Guy Bouchet (photography): Italian Style.
Catherine Sabino/ Guy Bouchet (photography): Italian Country Living.
Daphné de Saint Sauveur: The French Touch. Decoration and Design in the Private Homes of France.
Robert Schmutzler: Art Nouveau.
Werner J. Schweiger: Wiener Werkstätte. Design in Vienna 1903-1932.
Caroline Seebohm/ Christopher Simon Sykes (photography): English Country. Living in Englandʼs Private Houses.
Gert Selle: Design-Geschichte in Deutschland.
Klaus-Jürgen Sembach: Into the Thirties. Style and Design 1927-1934.
Susanne Slesin/ Stafford Cliff/ David Brittain (photography): Indian Style.
Suzanne Slesin/ Stafford Cliff/ Ken Kirkwood (photography): English Style.
Susanne Slesin/ Stafford Cliff/ Daniel Rozensztroch/ Gilles de Chabaneix (photography): Greek Style.
Susanne Slesin/ Stafford Cliff/ Daniel Rozensztroch/ Gilles de Chabaneix (photography): Spanish Style.
Susanne Slesin/ Stafford Cliff/ Daniel Rozensztroch: The Book of Lofts.
Susanne Slesin/ Stafford Cliff/ Jacques Dirand (photography): French Style.
Susanne Slesin/ Stafford Cliff/ Daniel Rozensztroch/ Gilles de Chabaneix (photography): Japanese Style.
Susanne Slesin/ Stafford Cliff a. o.: Caribbean Style.
Susanne Slesin/ Stafford Cliff/ Daniel Rozensztroch/ Gilles de Chabaneix (photography): New York Style.
SOTTSASS. Ettore Sottsass a. o.: Sottsass Associates.
Penny Sparke: Japanese Design.
Penny Sparke: Italian Design 1870 to the Present.
June Sprigg/ David Larkin: Shaker. Life, Work, and Art.
Philippe Starck (ed.): The International Design Yearbook 1987/88.
Gabriele Sterner: Jugendstil.
Janice S. Stewart: The Folk Arts of Norway.
Tim Street-Porter: Freestyle. The New Architecture and Interior Design from Los Angeles.
Peter Thornton: Authentic Decor. The Domestic Interior 1620-1920.
TIFFANY. Vivienne Couldrey: The Art of Louis Comfort Tiffany.
TIFFANY. Alastair Duncan/ Martin Eidelberg/ Neil Harris: Masterworks of Louis Comfort Tiffany.
Jane Tresidder/ Stafford Cliff: Living under Glass. Conservatories and Sunrooms.
Britt Tunander/ Ingemar Tunander: Svensk stilhistoria.
Britt Tunander: Illustrerad antiklexikon.
Elisabeth Vedrenne/ André Martin (photography): Living in Venice.
Alexander von Vegesack (ed.): Czech Cubism. Architecture, Furniture and Decorative Arts 1910-1925.
Halvor Vreim: Norwegian Decorative Art To-day.
Sigurd Wallin (ed.): Svensk Rokoko i Nordiska Museet.
Sigiurd Wallin (ed.): Fredrik 1:s tid i Nordiska Museet.
Sigurd Wallin (ed.): Gustaviansk stil i Nordiska Museet.
William Warren/ Luca Invernizzi Tettoni (photography): Living in Thailand. Traditional and modern homes and decoration.
Gabriel P. Weisberg: Art Nouveau Bing. Paris Style 1900.
John Whitehead: The French Interior in the Eighteenth Century.
Frank Whitford: Bauhaus.
Richard Guy Wilson/ Dianne H. Pilgrim/ Dickran Tashjian: The Machine Age in America 1918-1941.
29. Boats, cars, aeroplanes
A.W. Brøgger/ Haakon Shetelig: The Viking Ships. Their Ancestry and Evolution.
CORVETTE. Andrew Montgomery: Corvette. The Definite Guide to the All-American Sports Car.
Jonathan Eastland: Great Yachts and Their Designers.
Øystein Færøyvik: Vestlandsbåtar. Frå oselvar til sunnmørsåttring.
Malcolm Fletcher/ John Taylor (eds.): Railways. The Pioneer Years.
C. H. Gibbs-Smith: Flight through the Ages. A complete illustrated chronology from the dreams of early history to the age of space exploration.
David Mondey (ed.): The International Encyclopedia of Aviation.
Svein Magne Olsen: Hestekjøretøy/ Horse-drawn Carriages.
ROLLS-ROYCE. John Heilig: Rolls-Royce. The Best Car in the World.
30. Books, manuscripts, maps
AUDUBON. Susanne M. Low: An Index and Guide to Audubon’s Birds of America.
Alastair Duncan/ Georges de Bartha: Art Nouveau and Art Deco Bookbinding. The French Masterpieces 1880-1940.
Christopher de Hamel: A History of Illuminated Manuscripts.
John Harthan: The History of the Illustrated Book. The Western Tradition.
Francis Haskell: The Painful Birth of the Art Book.
Arne I. Hoem: Norge på gamle kart.
Arthur W. Johnson: The Practical Guide to Book Repair and Conservation.
John Lewis: The 20th-Century Book. Its illustration and design.
Michel Melot: The Art of Illustration.
Bo Norlin/ Bendik Rugaas (eds.): Universitetsbiblioteket i ord og bilder.
Charles Ramsden: Bookbinders of the United Kingdom (Outside London) 1780-1840.
Charles Ramsden: London Bookbinders 1780-1840.
William Rees-Mogg: How to Buy Rare Books. A practical guide to the antiquarian book market.
REFSUM. Thor B. Kielland/ Arne Nygård-Nilssen/ W. P. Sommerfeldt: Bokbinderkunst til fest og til hverdag. H. M. Refsum 1887-1937.
Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld: Die Bibel in Bildern.
VATICAN LIBRARY. Alphonso Maria Stickler/ Leonard E. Boyle (eds.): The Vatican Library. Its History and Treasures.
Roger S. Wieck: The Book of Hours in Medieval Art and Life.
Tongchai Winichakul: Siam Mapped. A History of the Geo-Body of a Nation.
ZWEMMER. Nigel Vaux Halliday: More than a Bookshop. Zwemmerʼs and art in the 20th century.
31. Fashion, costumes, clothes, accessories
Otto Ahlström: Glasögon i Nordiska Museet jämte en översikt av glasögontypernas utveckling.
Ellen Andersen: Danske Bønders Klædedragt.
Inga Arnö-Berg/ Gunnel Hazelius-Berg: Folkdräkter och bygdedräkter från hela Sverige.
BALENCIAGA. Marie-Andree Jouve/ Jacqueline Demornex: Balenciaga.
Martin Battersby: Art Deco Fashion. French Designers 1908-1925.
Gloria Bianchino a. o. (eds.): Italian Fashion. 2 vols.
Francoise Boucher: A History of Costume in the West.
Olga Breivik a. o.: Bunader i Hordaland.
CHANEL. Edmonde Charles-Roux: Chanel and her World.
CHANEL. Jean Leymarie: Chanel.
Elizabeth Ann Coleman: The Opulent Era. Fashions of Worth, Doucet and Pingat.
Julie Schafler Dale/ Otto Stupakoff (photography): Art to Wear.
DIOR. Francoise Giroud/ Sacha van Dorssen (photography): Dior. Christian Dior 1905-1957.
Nicholas Drake: Fashion Illustration Today.
Ingelore Ebeling: Masken und Maskierung. Kult, Kunst und Kosmetik. Von den Naturvölkern bis zur Gegenwart.
Helen Engelstad: Messeklær og alterskrud. Middelalderske paramenter i Norge.
Diana Epstein/ Millicent Safro: Buttons.
Elizabeth Ewing: Women in Uniform. Through the Centuries.
Jean-Louis de Faucigny-Lucinge: Legendary Parties 1922-1972.
Irma Gram: De gamle kniplingers historie.
Anne Kraatz: Lace. History and Fashion.
LAGERFELD. Anna Piaggi: Karl Lagerfeld. A Fashion Journal.
James Laver: Costume and Fashion. A Concise History.
Sally C. Luscomb: The Collectorʼs Encyclopedia of Buttons.
Colin McDowell: Hats. Status, Style and Glamour.
Colin McDowell: Shoes. Fashion and Fantasy.
Richard Martin: Fashion and Surrealism.
Caroline Rennolds Milbank: Couture. The Great Fashion Designers.
Elisabeth Munksgaard: Oldtidsdragter.
Georgina O’Hara: The Encyclopaedia of Fashion.
John Peacock: Costume 1066-1966.
POIRET. Yvonne Deslandres: Poiret. Paul Poiret 1879-1944.
Aileen Ribeiro: Dress in Eighteenth Century Europe 1715-1789.
Clare Rose: Childrenʼs clothes. Since 1750.
Cecil Saint-Laurent: The Great Book of Lingerie.
SAINT-LAURENT. Diana Vreeland (introd.): Yves Saint-Laurent.
Marion Sichel: National Costume Reference: USSR.
Yvonne de Sike: Les Masques. Rites et symboles en Europe.
Mona Skagerfors: Herrar och den intressanta ytan.
Kiki Sørum: Hollywood i moten. Film som trendsetter.
Tatiana Strizhenova: Soviet Costume and Textiles 1917-1945.
Gunvor Ingstad Trætteberg: Folk-Costumes of Norway.
VIONNET. Jacqueline Demornex: Vionnet.
Inga Wintzell: Slipsar.
P. G. Wistrand: Svenska folkdräkter. Kulturhistoriska studier. Med 30 färgtryck efter original af E. von Walterstorff.
Doreen Yarwood: The Encyclopaedia of World Costume.
32. Furniture, woodwork, mirrors, lamps
Erik Andrén: Möbelstilarna. Den svenska möbel- och inredningskonstens historia.
Peter Anker: Chests and Caskets.
Peter Anker: Kister og skrin.
Geoffrey Beard: The National Trust Book of English Furniture.
Geoffrey Beard/ Judith Goodison: English Furniture 1500-1840.
Jonathan Bourne/ Vanessa Brett: Lighting in the Domestic Interior. Renaissance to Art Nouveau.
BREUER. Christopher Wilk: Marcel Breuer. Furniture and Interiors.
Bruce W. Carpenter: Javanese Antique Furniture and Folk Art. The David B. Smith and James Tirtoprodjo Collections.
Graham Child: World Mirrors 1650-1900.
Jeremy Cooper: Victorian and Edwardian Furniture and Interiors. From the Gothic Revival to Art Nouveau.
Florence de Dampierre: The Best of Painted Furniture.
Sharon Darling: Chicago Furniture. Art, Craft & Industy 1833-1983.
Alastair Duncan: Art Deco Furniture. The French Designers.
Marc Emery: Furniture by Architects. 500 International Masterpieces of Twentieth-Century Design and Where to Buy Them.
Charlotte Fiell/ Peter Fiell: Modern Furniture Classics. Since 1945.
Jane Fredlund: Allmogemöbler.
Per Gjærder: Esker og tiner.
GRAY. J. Steward Johnson: Eileen Gray. Designer. 1879-1976.
Cara Greenberg: Mid-Century Modern. Furniture of the 1950s.
Håkan Groth/ Fritz von der Schulenburg (photography): Neoclassicism in the North. Swedish Furniture and Interiors 1770-1850.
Konrad Hahm: Deutsche Bauernmöbel.
Ulf Hård af Segerstad: Modern Scandinavian Furniture.
Ambrose Heal: London Furniture Makers. From the Restoration to the Victorian Era 1660-1840.
Brynolf Hellner: Svenska möbler.
Anton Jepsen: Signerede danske møbler 1800-1900. 2 vols.
Erik Lassen: Danske Møbler. Den klassiske periode.
Michel Lenormand: Cheminées rustiques.
Edward Lucie-Smith: Furniture. A Concise History.
Ellen Marie Magerøy: Norsk treskurd.
MAJORELLE. Alastair Duncan: Louis Majorelle. Master of Art Nouveau Design.
Karl Mang: History of Modern Furniture.
MIES VAN DER ROHE. Ludwig Glaeser: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Furniture and Furniture Drawings.
Jan Henrik Munksgaard: Kurver.
Alexandre Pradère: French Furniture Makers. The Art of the Ebéniste from Louis XIV to the Revolution.
Monique Riccardi-Cubitt: The Art of the Cabinet.
RUHLMANN. Florence Camard: Ruhlmann. Master of Art Deco.
Albert Sack: Fine Points of Furniture. Early American.
Ingri Skau: To norske treskjærere. Ole Moene og Lars Kinsarvik.
Albert Steen: Stoler i Norge.
TIFFANY. William Feldstein, Jr./ Alastair Duncan: The Lamps of Tiffany Studios.
Wolf Uecker: Art Nouveau and Art Deco Lamps and Candlesticks.
Kai Uldall: Dansk Folkekunst.
Angus Wilkie: Biedermeier.
33. Glass
ARGY-ROUSSEAU. Janine Bloch-Dermant: G. Argy-Rousseau. Glassware as Art. With a Catalogue Raisonné of the Pâtes de Verre.
Victor Arwas: Glass. Art Nouveau to Art Deco.
BACCARAT. Jean-Louis Curtis: Baccarat.
Robert J. Charleston: Masterpieces of Glass. A World History from the Corning Museum of Glass.
Albane Dolez: Glass Animals. 3,500 Years of Artistry and Design.
Attilia Dorigato: Murano Glass Museum.
GALLE. Alastair Duncan/ Georges de Bartha: Glass by Gallé.
Elsebeth Granlund/ Hans Sundblom: Samla glas.
David Frederick Grose (ed.): Early Ancient Glass.
HADELAND. Inger-Marie Lie: Hadelandsglass 1850-1900.
Carl F. Hermelin/ Elsebeth Welander: Glasboken. Historia, teknik och form.
Helga Hilschenz-Mlynek/ Helmut Ricke: Glas. Historismus, Jugendstil, Art Deco. Band 1: Frankreich. Die Sammlung Hentrich im Kunstmuseum Düsseldorf.
W. B. Honey: Glass. A handbook for the study of glass vessels of all periods and coutries and a guide to the museum collection.
HYDMAN-VALLIEN. Mailis Stensman: Ulrica Hydman-Vallien.
Alfred Larsen/ Peter Riismøller/ Mogens Schlüter: Dansk Glas, 1825-1925.
MOTZFELDT. Grete Kobro a. o.: Benny Motzfeldt.
Harold Newman: An Illustrated Dictionary of Glass.
Jacquelyne North: Perfume, Cologne and Scent Bottles.
ORREFORS. Ann Marie Herlitz-Gezelius: Orrefors. Et svenskt glasbruk.
Sylva Petrová/ Jean-Luc Olivié (eds.): Bohemian Glass.
Ada Polak: Gamle vinglass.
Helmut Ricke/ Ulrich Gronert (eds.): Glas in Schweden 1915-1960.
Helmut Ricke/ Lars Thor (eds.): Schwedische Glasmanufakturen. Produktionskataloge/Swedish Glass Factories. Production Catalogues/ Svenska Glasbruken. Produktionskataloger. 1915-1960.
SARPANEVA. Kaj Kalin: Sarpaneva.
Mogens Schlüter: Danske flasker. Fra Renæssancen til vore dage.
Sven Erik Skawonius: Glas för hushållet.
Raymond Slack: English Pressed Glass 1830-1900.
Elisa Steenberg: Flaskor och glas.
STEUBEN. Mary Jean Madigan: Steuben Glass. An American Tradition in Crystal.
Hugh Tait (ed.): Five Thousand Years of Glass.
Jaroslav R. Vávra: Das Glas und die Jahrtausende.
Phelps Warren: Irish Glass. The Age of Exuberance.
Sidney Waugh: The Making of Fine Glass.
34. Gold, silver, metalwork, money
Svend Aakjær (ed.): Mønt.
Chr. A. Bøje: Danske Guld og Sølv Smedemærker før 1870.
Vanessa Brett: The Sotheby’s Directory of Silver 1600-1940.
Birger Bruzelli: Läsning för tennvänner.
Michael Clayton: Christie’s Pictorial History of English and American Silver.
DEN KONGELIGE MYNT. Bjørn R. Rønning: Den Kongelige Mynt 1628 – 1686 – 1806.
FABERGE. Alexander von Solodkoff a. o.: Masterpieces from the House of Fabergé.
Jorunn Fossberg: Norske sølvskjeer.
GAUDERNACK. Jan-Lauritz Opstad (introd.): Gustav Gaudernack. En europeer i norsk jugend.
Anna-Stina Hals: Gammelt norsk tinn.
J. F. Hayward: Virtuoso Goldsmiths and the Triumph of Mannerism 1540-1620.
Stephen Helliwell: Collecting Small Silverware.
Brynolf Hellner/ Sune Rooth: Konstsmide. Historia och teknik.
Carl Hernmarck: The Art of the European Silversmith 1430-1830. 2 vols.
Burton Hobson: Catalogue of Scandinavian Coins.
JENSEN. Chr. Ditlev Reventlow: Georg Jensens Sølvsmedie gennem fyrretyve Aar, 1904-1944.
JENSEN. Walter Schwartz: Georg Jensen. En kunstner, hans tid og slægt.
Jan Erik Karlsen/ Fredrik Mathiesen/ Willy Ruud: Norske blankvåpen 1814-1980.
J. B. Kerfoot: American Pewter.
Ingvar Klingenberg: Norsk 1700-talls sølv.
Øystein Kostveit: Norsk knivbok. Kniven i norsk folkeliv og formkultur.
Annelies Krekel-Aalberse: Art Nouveau and Art Deco Silver.
Fritz Kühn: Wrought Iron.
Erik Lassen: Dansk Sølv.
Erik Lassen: Ske, Kniv og Gaffel/ Knives, Forks and Spoons.
Axel Thv. Marthinsen: Gamle kaffekjeler i Norge.
MICHELSEN. Erik Lassen/ Ole Wanscher: A. Michelsen og dansk Sølvsmedekunst. Et Udvalg af Arbejder 1841-1941.
Harold Newman: An Illustrated Dictionary of Silverware.
Jan-Lauritz Opstad: Norsk emalje. Kunsthåndverk i verdenstoppen.
Jan-Lauritz Opstad: Ny norsk gullsmedkunst.
Jon Birger Østby: Gammelt kobber.
Ada Polak: Norwegian Silver.
ROHDE. Sigurd Schultz: Johan Rohde sølv.
Per Henrik Rosenström: Gammal koppar. Om kopparslagare och kopparsaker.
Robert Rowe: Adam Silver, 1765-1795.
Peter Seaby: The Story of British Coinage.
Donald Smith: Metalwork. An Introductory Historical Survey.
David B. Warren/ Katherine S. Howe/ Michael K. Brown: Marks of Achievement. Four Centuries of American Presentation Silver.
35. Graphic design, posters, postcards, stamps
Mikhail Anikst: Soviet Commercial Design of the Twenties.
Nina Baburina: The Soviet Political Poster 1917-1980.
John Barnicoat: Posters. A Concise History.
Joseph W. Bereswill: Corporate Design. Graphic Identity Systems.
Lewis Blackwell: Twentieth-Century Type.
Gunnlaugur S. E. Briem: Sixty Alphabets.
BRODY. Jon Wozencroft: The Graphic Language of Neville Brody.
CASSANDRE. Henri Mouron: Cassandre. Posters, Typography, Stage Designs.
Hans Dichand (ed.): Jugendstilpostkarten.
Valter Falk: Bokstavformer & typsnitt genom tiderna.
Giovanni Fanelli/ Ezio Godoli: Art Nouveau Postcards.
Gerda Finsterer-Stuber (ed.): Marken und Signete.
Nicolete Gray: A History of Lettering.
HALLMARK. Ellen Stern: The Very Best from Hallmark. Greeting Cards Through the Years.
Marilyn Oliver Hapgood: Wallpaper and the Artist. From Dürer to Warhol.
Alison Harding: Ornamental Alphabets and Initials.
Steven Heller/ Seymour Chwast: Graphic Styles. From Victorian to Post-Modern.
Andreas Hopf/ Angela Hopf (eds.): Alte Exlibris.
Patricia Frantz Kery: Art Deco Graphics.
Robert Lebeck/ Manfred Sack: Playgirls von damals.
Philip B. Meggs: A History of Graphic Design.
Frieder Mellinghoff: Kunst-Ereignisse. Plakate zu Kunst-Ausstellungen.
Min Sun Min: Stamps of Burma. A Historical Record through 1988.
Scott Minick/ Jiao Ping: Chinese Graphic Design in the Twentieth Century.
John Murphy/ Michael Rowe: How to Design Trademarks and Logos.
Wally Olins: Corporate Identity.
Robert Opie: The Art of the Label. Designs of the Times.
Walton Rawls: Wake Up, America! World War I and the American Poster.
Stephen Rebello/ Richard Allen: Reel Art. Great Posters from the Golden Age of the Silver Screen.
Maurice Rickards: Collecting Printed Ephemera.
The Signs of the Times magazine: Sign Design. Contemporary Graphic Identity.
The Studio magazine: Graphic Excellence.
Francoise Teynac/ Pierre Nolot/ Jean-Denis Vivien: Wallpaper. A History.
Ingemar Tunander: Tapeter i Sverige.
Ivar Ulvestad (ed.): Vennlig hilsen ... Postkortets historie i Norge.
Jorunn Veiteberg/ Einar Økland: Reklamebildet. Norske annonsar og plakatar frå århundreskiftet til i dag.
Alain Weill: The Poster. A Worldwide Survey and History.
Stuart Wrede: The Modern Poster.
36. Instruments, tools, clocks, watches
Philip Bate: The Flute. A Study of its History, Development and Construction.
J. A. Bennett: The Divided Circle. A History of Instruments for Astronomy, Navigation and Surveying.
Elisabeth Bennion: Antique Medical Instruments.
Elisabeth Bennion: Antique Dental Instruments.
BREGUET. George Daniels: The Art of Breguet.
F. J. Britten: Brittenʼs Watch and Clock Makerʼs Handbook, Dictionary and Guide.
Cecil Clutton/ George Daniels: Watches. A complete history of the technical and decorative development of the watch.
COLT. R. L. Wilson/ Sid Latham (photography): Colt. An American Legend.
George Daniels: Watchmaking.
Dominic Gill (ed.): The Book of the Violin.
Dominic Gill (ed.): The Book of the Piano.
Eigil Gjerkaas: Klokkemakeri.
Maya Hambly: Drawing Instruments 1580-1980.
Paul-Henry van Hasbroeck: 150 Classic Cameras. From 1839 to the Present.
Cedric Jagger: Royal Clocks. The British Monarchy and its Timekeepers 1300-1900.
Andreas Lambrou: Fountain Pens. Vintage and Modern.
Ivor Matanle: Collecting and Using Classic Cameras.
Christopher Proudfoot/ Philip Walker: Wood Working Tools.
Russell Quertermous/ Steve Quertermous: Modern Guns. Identification & Values.
Anthony Turner: Early Scientific Instruments. Europe 1400-1800.
Gerard L’E. Turner: Nineteenth-Century Scientific Instruments.
Kåa Wennberg: Svenska böss- och pistolsmeder.
D. Yde-Andersen: Bornholmere og andre gamle ure.
37. Jewelry
Vivienne Becker: Art Nouveau Jewelry.
Hellmuth Boegel: A Collector’s Guide to Minerals and Gemstones.
CARTIER. Hans Nadelhoffer: Cartier. Jewelers Extraordinary.
Barbara Cartlidge: Twentieth-Century Jewelry.
John Culme/ Nicholas Rayner: The Jewels of the Duchess of Windsor.
Corinne Davidov/ Ginny Redington Dawes: The Bakelite Jewelry Book.
Anne-Marie Ericsson: Svensk smyckekonst från jugend till postmodernism.
Yvonne Hackenbroch: Renaissance Jewellery.
Kristin Joyce/ Shellei Addison: Pearls. Ornament and Obsession.
John Mack (ed.): Ethnic Jewellery.
Daniela Mascetti/ Amanda Triossi: Earrings. From Antiquity to the Present.
Harold Newman: An Illustrated Dictionary of Jewelry.
Penny Proddow/ Debra Healy: American Jewelry. Glamour and Tradition.
Sylvie Raulet: Jewelry of the 1940s and 1950s.
Sylvie Raulet: Art Deco Jewelry.
Diana Scarisbrick a. o.: Jewellery. Makers, Motifs, History, Techniques.
A. Kenneth Snowman (ed.): The Master Jewelers.
Sigfrid Svensson: Gammalt dräktsilver.
VAN CLEEF & ARPELS. Sylvie Raulet: Van Cleef & Arpels.
Richard Werly/ Bernard Maquin: Jewelry Treasures of Thailand.
Benjamin Zucker: Gems and Jewels. A Connoisseur’s Guide.
38. Models, toys
39. Porcelain, ceramics
ALUMINIA. Bredo L. Grandjean: Aluminia fajanser gennem hundrede aar.
John Ayers/ Oliver Impey/ J. V. G. Mallet: Porcelain for Palaces. The Fashion for Japan in Europe 1650-1750.
BING & GRØNDAHL. Erik Lassen: En københavnsk porcelænsfabriks historie. Bing & Grøndahl 1853-1978.
BING & GRØNDAHL. Poul Simonsen: Bing & Grøndahls Porcelænsfabrik 1853-1928.
Tony Birks/ Cornelia Wingfield Digby: Bernard Leach, Hamada and their Circle. From the Wingfield Digby Collection.
Anthony du Boulay: Christie’s Pictorial History of Chinese Ceramics.
CHELSEA. Elizabeth Adams: Chelsea Porcelain.
Garth Clark: American Ceramics. 1876 to the Present.
CLIFF. Leonard Griffin/ Louis K. Meisel/ Susan Pear Meisel: Clarice Cliff. The Bizarre Affair.
Margareta Cramér: Den verkliga kakelugnen. Fabrikstillverkade kakelugnar i Stockholm 1846-1926.
Helena Dahlbäck Lutteman: Svenskt porslin. Fajans, porslin och flintgods 1700-1900.
Helena Dahlbäck Lutteman: Svensk 1900-tals keramik. Stengods, porslin, flintgods.
Ludwig Danckert: Handbuch des Europäischen Porzellans.
DELFT. Henry-Pierre Fourest: Delftware. Faience Production at Delft.
DEN KONGELIGE PORCELAINSFABRIK. Bredo L. Grandjean: Kongelig dansk Porcelain 1884-1980.
DEN KONGELIGE PORCELAINSFABRIK. Bredo L. Grandjean: The Flora Danica Service/Flora Danica stellet.
Geoffrey A. Godden: English China.
Geoffrey A. Godden: Encyclopaedia of British Pottery and Porcelain Marks.
GUSTAVSBERG. Inga Arnö-Berg: Serviser från Gustavsberg.
Johanne Huitfeldt: Tekanner.
KASTRUP. Jørgen Ahlefeldt-Laurvig/ Anne-Mari Steimle: Fajencer og stengods fra fabriken i Kastrup.
KELLINGHUSEN. Jørgen Ahlefeldt-Laurvig: Fajencer fra Kellinghusen 1763-1860.
Arthur Lane: French Faience.
Jens von der Lippe: Stråmønsteret, det udødelige blåmalede.
Nina Lobanov-Rostovsky: Revolutionary Ceramics. Soviet Porcelain 1917-1927.
Peter Wilhelm Meister/ Horst Reber: European Porcelain of the 18th Century.
Hugo Morley-Fletcher/ Roger McIlroy: Christie’s Pictorial History of European Pottery.
PORSGRUND. Ada Polak: Gammelt Porsgrund porselen.
Tamara Préaud/ Serge Gauthier: Ceramics of the Twentieth Century.
RÖRSTRAND. Arvid Bæckström: Rörstrand och dess tillverkningar 1726-1926.
George Savage/ Harold Newman: An Illustrated Dictionary of Ceramics.
Colin Sheaf/ Richard Kilburn: The Hatcher Porcelain Cargoes. The Complete Record.
SPODE. Sydney B. Williams: Antique Blue and White Spode.
Mary Tregear: Song Ceramics.
Kai Uldall: Gammel dansk fajence.
S. E. Vingedal: Porslinsmärken.
Oliver Watson: British Studio Pottery. The Victoria and Albert Museum Collection.
Wendy M. Watson: Italian Renaissance Maiolica. From the William A. Clark Collection.
William Watson: Tang and Liao Ceramics.
ZÜRICH. Sotheby: Zürich Porzellan und Fayence/ Zurich Porcelain and Faience. The Alfred Schwarzenbach Collection.
40. Textiles, carpets
Ellen Andersen/ Gertie Wandel/ T. Vogel Jørgensen (eds.): Berlingske Haandarbejds-Bog. Naal og Væv i Leksikon.
Paulli Andersen: Danske bondevævninger. Hvergarnsstoffer ca 1750-1850.
Halfdan Arneberg: Norsk Prydsøm.
Nicholas Barnard/ James Merrell (photography): Living with Decorative Textiles. Tribal Art from Africa, Asia and the Americas.
Cathryn M. Cootner: Anatolian Kilims. The Caroline & H. McCoy Jones Collection.
Werner Dreczko: Teppiche Europas.
Helen Engelstad: Refil, bunad, tjeld. Middelalderens billedtepper i Norge.
Helen Engelstad: Dobbeltvev i Norge.
Helen Engelstad: Norske ryer. Teknikk, form og bruk.
P. R. J. Ford: Oriental Carpet Design. A Guide to Traditional Motifs, Patterns and Symbols.
Erwin Gans-Ruedin: Caucasian Carpets.
Erwin Gans-Ruedin: The Splendor of Persian Carpets.
Agnes Geijer: A History of Textile Art.
Brita Hansen: DuMont’s Handbuch der Seidenmalerei.
HANSEN. Anniken Thue: Frida Hansen.
Ulf Hård af Segerstad: Modern svensk textilkonst.
Ingegerd Henschen: Svenska broderier.
Alastair Hull/ Nicholas Barnard/ James Merrell (photography): Living with Kilims.
Anne Kjellberg: Navneduker.
Jack Lenor Larsen: Furnishing Fabrics. An International Source Book.
Susan Meller/ Joost Elffers: Textile Designs. 200 Years of Patterns for Printed Fabrics Arranged by Motif, Colour, Period and Design.
RYGGEN. Albert Steen: Hannah Ryggen.
Aase Bay Sjøvold: Norwegian Tapestries.
Aase Bay Sjøvold: Norsk billedvev.
Maj Sterner: Orientens mattor och deras vård.
Michel Thomas/ Christine Mainguy/ Sophie Pommier: Textile Art. Embroideries, Tapestries, Fabrics, Sculptures.
Elisabeth Thorman: Textil konst i Sverige, före år 1930.
Brigitte Tietzel: Geschichte der Webkunst. Technische Grundlagen und künstlerische Traditionen.
Blair Urquhart (ed.): Tartans. The new compact study guide and identifier.
David M. Wilson: The Bayevx Tapestry.
41. Architecture. History, reference, theory
James S. Ackerman: The Villa. Form and Ideology of Country Houses.
Anthony Aikman: Treehouses.
Göran Alm: Svensk klassicism.
Maharaja of Baroda/ Virginia Fass (photography): The Palaces of India.
Patricia Bayer: Art Deco Architecture. Design, Decoration and Detail from the Twenties and Thirties.
Gunnar Bjerke: Landsbebyggelsen i Norge, i fortid, nutid og framtid. 2 vols.
Birger Bjørkhaug/ Sven Poulsson: Norges fyr. 2 vols.
Franco Borsi: The Monumental Era. European Architecture and Design 1929-1939.
Derry Brabbs: English Country Churches.
Allan Braham: The Architecture of the French Enlightenment.
Gunnar Bugge: Stavkirkene i Norge.
Sherban Cantacuzino: Re/ Architecture. Old Buildings/ New Uses.
Alec Clifton-Taylor: The Cathedrals of England.
Olive Cook/ Edwin Smith (photography): The English House through Seven Centuries.
William J. R. Curtis: Modern Architecture since 1900.
William J. R. Curtis: Modern Architecture since 1900.
Colin Davies: High Tech Architecture.
Roger Dixon/ Stefan Muthesius: Victorian Architecture. With a Short Dictionary of Architects.
Geneviève Dormann (preface)/ Christian Vaisse (photography) a. o.: Living in Mauritius. Traditional Architecture of Mauritius.
Emil Ekhoff: Svenska stavkyrkor.
Christian Elling: Danske herregaarde.
Heinrich Engel: The Japanese house. A Tradition for Contemporary Architecture.
Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach: Entwurf einer historischen Architektur.
John Fleming/ Hugh Honour/ Nikolaus Pevsner: The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture.
Rolf Hellmut Foerster: Das Barock-Schloss. Geschichte und Architektur.
Michael Forsyth: Auditoria. Designing for the Performing Arts.
Kenneth Frampton: Modern Architecture. A Critical History.
Kenneth Frampton/ Yukio Futagawa (photography): Modern Architecture 1851-1945.
Edelgard Fröde/ Wolfgang Fröde: Windmühlen.
Mark Girouard: The Victorian Country House.
Mark Girouard: Cities and People. A Social and Architectural History.
Godfrey Goodwin: A History of Ottoman Architecture.
Michel de Grèce (preface): Grand Oriental Hotels. From Cairo to Tokyo 1800-1939.
Louis Grodecki: Gothic Architecture.
Hilde de Haan/ Ids Haagsma: Architects in Competition. International Architectural Competitions of the Last 200 Years.
David P. Handlin: American Architecture.
Wilfried Hansmann: Baukunst des Barock. Form, Funktion, Sinngehalt.
John Harris/ Jill Lever: Illustrated Glossary of Architecture 850-1830.
Hap Hatton: Tropical Splendor. An Architectural History of Florida.
Roar Hauglid: Norske stavkirker. Bygningshistorisk bakgrunn og utvikling.
Walter Henn (ed.): Industriebau. Band 2 und 3. 2 vols.
Henry-Russell Hitchcock: Architecture. Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries.
John D. Hoag: Islamic Architecture.
Jerri Holan: Norwegian Wood. A Tradition of Building.
Hans Jantzen: Kunst der Gotik. Klassische Kathedralen Frankreichs. Chartres, Reims, Amiens.
Charles Jencks/ William Chaitkin: Current Architecture.
Charles Jencks: Architecture Today.
Charles Jencks: The Language of Post-Modern Architecture.
Charles Jencks: Post-Modernism. The New Classicism in Art and Architecture.
Charles Jencks: Towards a Symbolic Architecture. The Thematic House.
Dieter Jetter: Das europäische Hospital. Von der Spätantike bis 1800.
R. Furneaux Jordan: Western Architecture. A Concise History.
Guthorm Kavli: Norges festninger. Fra Fredriksten til Vardøhus.
Selim O. Khan-Magomedov: Pioneers of Soviet Architecture. The Search for New Solutions in the 1920s and 1930s.
Peter Kidson/ Peter Murray/ Paul Thompson: A History of English Architecture.
Heinrich Klotz (ed.): Postmodern Visions. Drawings, Paintings, and Models by Contemporary Architects.
Spiro Kostof: The City Assembled. The Elements of Urban Form Through History.
Spiro Kostof: The City Shaped. Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History.
Rob Krier: Architectural Composition.
Udo Kultermann: Zeitgenössische Architektur in Osteuropa.
Udo Kultermann: Architekten der Dritten Welt.
Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani (ed.): Encyclopedia of 20th-Century Architecture.
Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani (ed.): Encyclopaedia of 20th-Century Architecture.
Philip Langdon: American Houses.
Rowland J. Mainstone: Developments in Structural Form.
Robin Middleton/ David Watkin: Neoclassical and 19th Century Architecture. 2 vols.
Wladimir Moe: Norske storgaarder.
Ann Lee Morgan/ Colin Naylor (eds.): Contemporary Architects.
Michelangelo Muraro/ Paolo Marton (photography): Venetian Villas. The History and Culture.
Sigurd Muri: Norske kyrkjer.
Axel Hinrich Murken: Vom Armenhospital zum Grossklinikum. Die Geschichte des Krankenhauses vom 18. Jahrhundert bis zum Gegenwart.
Peter Murray: Renaissance Architecture.
Peter Murray: The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance.
Christian Norberg-Schulz: Architecture. Meaning and Place. Selected Essays.
Christian Norberg-Schulz: Meaning in Western Architecture.
Christian Norberg-Schulz: Late Baroque and Rococo Architecture.
Christian Norberg-Schulz: Baroque Architecture.
Edward Norman: The House of God. Church Architecture. Style and History.
Jannis C. Notebaart: Windmühlen. Der Stand der Forschung über das Vorkommen und den Ursprung.
Norbert Nussbaum: Deutsche Kirchenbaukunst der Gotik. Entwicklung und Bauformen.
Patrick Nuttgens: The Story of Architecture.
Patrick Nuttgens: The Story of Architecture.
Donald J. Olsen: The City as a Work of Art. London, Paris, Vienna.
Alexander Opolovnikov/ Yelena Opolovnikova: The Wooden Architecture of Russia. Houses, Fortifications, Churches.
Clay Perry/ Ann Gore/ Laurence Fleming: English Country Villages.
Nikolaus Pevsner: An Outline of European Architecture.
Nikolaus Pevsner: The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design.
Nikolaus Pevsner: A History of Building Types.
Nikolaus Pevsner: The Best Buildings of England.
Karl Fr. Pfau: Postbauten des Deutschen Reichs. In Lichtdruckbildern nach photographischen Original-Aufnahmen mit begleitendem Text.
Maria Saenz Quesada/ Xavier A. Verstraeten (photography): Estancias. The Great Houses and Ranches of Argentina.
Wilhelm Rüdiger: Die gotische Kathedrale. Architektur und Bedeutung.
Alastair Service: Edwardian Architecture. A Handbook to Building Design in Britain 1890-1914.
Alison Sky/ Michelle Stone: Unbuilt America. Forgotten Architecture in the United States from Thomas Jefferson to the Space Age.
Ignasio Sola-Morales (ed.): Contemporary Spanish Architecture.
Robert A. M. Stern: Modern Classicism.
Joanna Sullam/ Charlie Waite/ John Ardagh: Villages of France.
John Summerson: The Classical Language of Architecture.
John Summerson: Architecture of the Eighteenth Century.
John Summerson: Architecture in Britain 1530-1830.
Manfredo Tafuri/ Francesco Dal Co: Modern Architecture. 2 vols.
Thomas Thiis-Evensen: Archetypes in Architecture.
Marvin Trachtenberg/ Isabelle Hyman: Architecture. From Prehistory to Post-Modernism. The Western Tradition.
David Watkin: English Architecture. A Concise History.
David Watkin/ Tilman Mellinghoff: German Architecture and the Classical Ideal, 1740-1840.
Michael Webb: The City Square.
Doreen Yarwood: A Chronology of Western Architecture.
John Zukowsky/ Robbe Pierce Stimson: Hudson River Villas.
P. J. Riis: Temple, Church and Mosque.
42. Monographs on architects A-Z
BERNINI. Franco Borsi: Bernini.
BOFILL. Warren A. James: Richardo Bofill. Taller de Arquitectura. Buildings and Projects 1960-1985.
BOTTA. Francesco Dal Co: Mario Botta. Architecture 1960-1985.
BRUNELLESCHI. Eugenio Battisti: Brunelleschi. The Complete Work.
BULL. Stephan Tschudi-Madsen: Henrik Bull.
CHAREAU. Marc Vellay/ Kenneth Frampton: Pierre Chareau. Architect and Craftsman 1883-1950.
GAUDI. Ignasi de Sola-Morales: Gaudi.
GEHRY. Peter Arnell/ Ted Bickford (eds.): Frank Gehry. Buildings and Projects.
GRAVES. Karen Wheeler/ Peter Arnell/ Ted Bickford (eds.): Michael Graves. Buildings and Projects 1966-1981.
GUIMARD. David Dunster (ed.): Hector Guimard.
GUIMARD. Maurice Rheims/ Felipe Ferré (photography): Hector Guimard.
HAWSMOOR. Kerry Downes: Hawksmoor.
HOFFMANN. Giuliano Gresleri: Josef Hoffmann.
JAHN. Nory Miller: Helmut Jahn.
JOHNSON/BURGEE. Carleton Knight III (introd.): Philip Johnson/John Burgee. Architecture 1979-1985.
JONES. John Summerson: Inigo Jones.
KNUTSEN. Arne Sigmund Tvedten/ Bengt Espen Knutsen: Knut Knutsen 1903-1969. En vandrer i norsk arkitektur.
KOHN/ PEDERSEN/ FOX. Sonia K. Chao/ Trevor D. Abramson (eds.): Kohn Pedersen Fox. Buildings and Projects 1976-1986.
KORSMO. Christian Norberg-Schulz: The Functionalist Arne Korsmo.
KROLL. Wolfgang Pehnt (introd.): Lucien Kroll. Buildings and Projects.
LE CORBUSIER. William J. R. Curtis: Le Corbusier. Ideas and Form.
LUND/ SLAATTO. Ulf Grønvold: Lund & Slaatto.
MEIER. Joseph Rykwert (introd.): Richard Meier, Architect, 1964-1984.
MENDELSOHN. Bruno Zevi: Erich Mendelsohn.
MIES VAN DER ROHE. Sandra Honey: Mies van der Rohe. European Works.
MOORE. Eugene J. Johnson (ed.): Charles Moore. Buildings and Projects 1949-1986.
MORGAN. Sara Holmes Boutelle: Julia Morgan, Architect.
NEUMANN. Wilfried Hansmann: Balthasar Neumann. Leben und Werk.
OLBRICH. Peter Haiko a. o. (eds.): Joseph Maria Olbrich. Architecture. Complete Reprint of the Original Plates of 1901-1914.
PALLADIO. James S. Ackerman: Palladio.
PEI. Carter Wiseman: The Architecture of I. M. Pei. With an illustrated catalogue of the buildings and projects.
POLSHEK. Helen Searing/ Gwendolyn Wright (introds.): James Stewart Polshek. Context and Responsibility. Buildings and Projects 1957-1987.
PONTI. Lisa Licitra Ponti: Gio Ponti. The Complete Work 1923-1978.
ROCHE. Francesco Dal Co: Kevin Roche.
SCARPA. Francesco Dal Co/ Giuseppe Mazzariol: Carlo Scarpa. The Complete Works.
SCHINDLER. August Sarnitz: R. M. Schindler, Architect, 1887-1953.
STERN. Peter Arnell/ Ted Bickford (eds.): Robert A. M. Stern. Buildings and Projects 1965-1980. Toward a Modern Architecture after Modernism.
SULLIVAN. David van Zanten a. o.: Louis Sullivan. The Function of Ornament.
VAN DE VELDE. Klaus-Jürgen Sembach: Henry van de Velde.
VENTURI/ RAUCH/ SCOTT BROWN. Stanislaus von Moos: Venturi, Rauch & Scott Brown. Buildings and Projects.
WAGNER. Peter Haiko (ed.): Sketches, Projects and Executed Buildings by Otto Wagner.
WREN. Margaret Whinney: Wren.
43. Monographs on cities and towns
AMSTERDAM. A. Rieger/ Jaap Doeser (photography): Meet Amsterdam. A photo excursion through Hollandʼs capital.
ATHENS. Phaidon Cultural Guide: Athens and Attica.
BANGKOK. William Warren/ Manop Boonyavatana (photography): The Grand Palace.
BARCELONA. Marilyn McCully a. o.: Homage to Barcelona. The city and its art 1888-1936.
BERGEN. Knut Helle/ Anders Bjarne Fossen/ Egil Ertresvaag/ Tore Grønlie: Bergen bys historie. 4 vols.
BERGEN. Hans-Emil Lidén/ Ellen Marie Magerøy: Norges kirker. Bergen. 2 vols.
BERGEN. Sigmund Torsteinson: Troldhaugen. Nina og Edvard Griegs hjem.
BOSTON. Jane Holtz Kay: Lost Boston.
CHICAGO. John Zukowsky (ed.): Chicago Architecture 1872-1922. Birth of a Metropolis.
COPENHAGEN. Christian Elling/ Victor Hermansen: Holbergtidens København. I Billeder fra Samtiden.
COPENHAGEN. Vilh. Lorenzen: Det gamle København som arkitekturby.
DIJON. Pierre Quarré/ Jacques Boulas (photography): Dijon.
FLORENCE. Phaidon Cultural Guide: Florence and Tuscany.
HEIDENHEIM. Karl Döttinger (ed.): Heidenheim in Wort und Bild. Geschichte, Kultur, Wirtschaft.
ISTANBUL. Rowland J. Mainstone: Hagia Sophia. Architecture, Structure and Liturgy of Justinianʼs Great Church.
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LONDON. David Pearce: The Great Houses of London.
LONDON. Ann Saunders: The Art and Architecture of London. An Illustrated Guide.
LONDON. Gavin Stamp: The Changing Metropolis. Earliest photographs of London 1839-1879.
LONDON. John Summerson: Georgian London.
LONDON. Christopher Simon Sykes: Private Palaces. Life in the Great London Houses.
LOS ANGELES. Reyner Banham: Los Angeles. The Architecture of Four Ecologies.
LOS ANGELES. Sam Hall Kaplan: LA Lost and Found. An Architectural History of Los Angeles.
MIAMI BEACH. Laura Cerwinske: Tropical Deco. The Architecture and Design of Old Miami Beach.
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NEW YORK. Barbaralee Diamonstein: The Landmarks of New York.
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NEW YORK. Robert A. M. Stern/ Gregory Gilmartin/ John Massengale: New York 1900. Metropolitan Architecture and Urbanism 1890-1915.
NEW YORK. John Tauranac/ Christopher Little (photography): Elegant New York. The Builders and the Buildings, 1885-1915.
OSLO. Pål Henry Engh/ Arne Gunnarsjaa: Oslo. En arkitekturguide.
OSLO. Carl Just (ed.): Rådhuset i Oslo. 2 vols.
OSLO. Guthorm Kavli/ Gunnar Hjelde: Slottet i Oslo. Historien om hovedstadens kongebolig.
OXFORD. Anthony F. Kersting/ John Ashdown: The Buildings of Oxford.
PARIS. Mark Boxer (ed.): The Paris Ritz.
PARIS. Claude Frégnac/ Wayne Andrews: The Great Houses of Paris.
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PARIS. Gerald Van der Kemp: Versailles.
PARIS. Francois Loyer: Paris Nineteenth Century. Architecture and Urbanism.
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PARIS. John Russell: Paris.
PARIS. David Thomson: Renaissance Paris. Architecture and Growth 1475-1600.
PARIS. Guy Walton: Louis XIV's Versailles.
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ROME. Phaidon Cultural Guide: Rome and Latium.
ROTHENBURG. Ernst Gall: Rothenburg ob der Tauber.
SINGAPORE. Mark R. Frost/ Yu-Mei Balasingamchow: Singapore. A Biography.
STAVANGER. Alf Axelsen a. o. (eds.): Stavanger. Byen og menneskene.
TRONDHEIM. Aug. Albertsen: Fører for Nidaros Domkirke.
VIENNA. Franco Borsi/ Ezio Godoli: Vienna 1900. Architecture and Design.
VIENNA. Robert Waissenberger (ed.): Vienna in the Biedermeier Era 1815-1848.
VENICE. Deborah Howard: The Architectural History of Venice.
VENICE. John Kent's Venice. A Colour Guide to the City.
VENICE. Peter Lauritzen/ Alexander Zielcke (photography): Palaces of Venice.
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WEIMAR. Peter Woltze/ Eduard Scheidemantel: Das klassische Weimar. Nach Aquarellen von Peter Woltze.
WILLIAMSBURG. Philip Kopper/ Langdon Clay (photography): Colonial Williamsburg.
44. Garden design
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Monique Mosser/ Georges Teyssot (eds.): The History of Garden Design. The Western Tradition from the Renaissance to the Present Day.
George Plumptree/ Hugh Palmer (photography): Garden Ornament. Five Hundred Years of History and Practise.
ROPER. Jane Brown: Lanning Roper and His Gardens.
Michel Saudan/ Sylvia Saudan-Skira: From Folly to Follies. Discovering the World of Gardens.
Carl W. Schnitler: Norske haver. 1-2.
William Warren/ Luca Invernizzi Tettoni (photography): The Tropical Garden.
Kenneth Woodbridge: Princely Gardens. The origins and development of the French formal style.
45. ศิลปะ/ ออกเเบบ/ สถาปัตยกรรม
46. Varia/ สิ่งที่แตกต่างกัน
Peter Wilhelm Bøckman: Dreyers bibelatlas.
Sophus Bugge: Studier over de nordiske Gude- og Heltesagns Oprindelse.
James E. Counsilman: The Science of Swimming.
F. E. Emery (ed.): Systems Thinking.
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Marshall McLuhan: Understanding Media. The Extensions of Man.
Harry Maddox: How to Study.
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Hedrick Smith: The Russians.
P. Svoboda/ J. Kaplická (drawings): Beautiful Roses.
Norbert Wiener: The Human Use of Human Beings.
J. Dennis Willigan/ Katherine A. Lynch: Sources and Methods of Historical Demography.
47. Varia: Biographies/ ชีวประวัติ
CHARRIERE. Henri Charrière: Papillon.
GALBRAITH. John Kenneth Galbraith: Ambassadorʼs Journal.
GEHLEN. E. H. Cookridge: Gehlen. Spy of the Century.
GUEVARA. Robert Scheer (ed.): The Diary of Che Guevara.
HARDING. Francis Russell: President Harding. His Life and Times.
KENNEDY. Peter Collier/ David Horowitz: The Kennedys.
SHEVCHENKO. Arkady N. Shevchenko: Breaking with Moscow.
SPEER. Albert Speer: Inside the Third Reich.
ZWEIG. Stefan Zweig: Die Welt von Gestern. Erinnerungen eines Europäers.
48. Varia: Business/ ธุรกิจ
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H. Igor Ansoff: Corporate Strategy.
Michael Bromwich: The Economics of Capital Budgeting.
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Anthony Sampson: The Seven Sisters. The great oil companies and the world they made.
Anthony Sampson: The Money Lenders.
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A. B. Atkinson: The Economics of Inequality.
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William J. Baumol: Economic Theory and Operations Analysis.
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Mark Blaug: Economic Theory in Retrospect.
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Alpha C. Chiang: Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics.
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Gerard Debreu: Theory of Value. An Axiomatic Analysis of Economic Equilibrium.
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Avinash K. Dixit: The Theory of Equilibrium Growth.
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John Kenneth Galbraith: The Liberal Hour.
John Kenneth Galbraith: The New Industrial State.
John Kenneth Galbraith: Money. Whence It Came, Where It Went.
John Kenneth Galbraith: The Affluent Society.
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John Maynard Keynes: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.
John Maynard Keynes: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.
KEYNES. D. E. Moggridge: John Maynard Keynes.
J. E. King (ed.): Readings in Labour Economics.
Israel M. Kirzner: Competition and Entrepreneurship.
Frank H. Knight: On the History and Method of Economics.
Frank H. Knight: Risk, Uncertainty and Profit.
Tjalling C. Koopmans: Three Essays on the State of Economic Science.
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J. Pen: Modern Economics.
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Joseph A. Schumpeter: Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy.
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Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations.
Adam Smith: Paper Money.
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Akira Takayama: Mathematical Economics.
Brian Tew: The Evolution of the International Monetary System, 1945-81.
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Lester C. Thurow: The Zero-Sum Society.
J. Tinbergen: On the Theory of Economic Policy.
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Thorstein Veblen: The Theory of Business Enterprise.
Thorstein Veblen: The Theory of the Leisure Class.
Henry Y. Wan, Jr.: Economic Growth.
P. J. D. Wiles: Economic Institutions Compared.
50. Varia: Economics. History/ เศรษศาสตร์บัณฑิต
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Carlo M. Cipolla: The Economic History of World Population.
Phyllis Deane: The First Industrial Revolution.
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Robert B. Ekelund, Jr./ Robert F. Hebert: A History of Economic Theory and Method.
M. I. Finley: The Ancient Economy.
John Kenneth Galbraith: The Great Crash 1929.
John A. Garraty: Unemployment in History.
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John Hicks: A Theory of Economic History.
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D. P. OʼBrien: The Classical Economists.
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M. M. Postan: The Medieval Economy and Society.
N. J. G. Pounds: An Economic History of Medieval Europe.
Eric Roll: A History of Economic Thought.
Michael Steward: Keynes and After.
Sylvia L. Thrupp: The Merchant Class of Medieval London, 1300-1500.
51. Varia: Futurology/ อนาคต
52. Varia: History/ ประวัติ
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Jerome Blum: The End of the Old Order in Rural Europe.
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M. P. Charlesworth: The Roman Empire.
Allen Churchill: A Pictorial History of American Crime, 1849-1929.
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E. J. Hobsbaum: Bandits.
Walter C. Langsam: The World Since 1919.
Palle Lauring: Dansk Renæssance (1536-1588).
Berit Nøkleby a. o.: Norge og den 2. verdenskrig. 1940. Fra nøytral til okkupert.
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William L. Shirer: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. A History of Nazi Germany.
Roland N. Stromberg: European Intellectual History Since 1789.
Roland N. Stromberg: Europe in the Twentieth Century.
R. H. Tawney: Religion and the Rise of Capitalism.
Bernard Wishy a. o. (eds.): Introduction to Contemporary Civilization in the West.
53. Varia: Languages/ ภาษา
54. Varia: Languages. Runes/ ภาษาโบราณ
55. Varia: Literature/ วรรณกรรม
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S. H. Burton: The Criticism of Poetry.
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หน้าแรก / First page > 33. Glass > ORREFORS. Ann Marie Herlitz-Gezelius: Orrefors. Et svenskt glasbruk.